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1 Cizre Devlet Hastanesi, Üroloji Bölümü

New J Urol. 2011; 6 (1): 43-45


A 36-year old man presented with history of right-sided ab-dominal pain 4 months ago and than right-sided groin pain 1.5 months after that . After a day, he had forced urination and passa-ged a large (42x8 mm) and 8 small stone 2 days duration spontane-ously without any medical treatment. The patient was admitted for residual urinary stones .

His physical examination, urinalysis and blood creatinin level were normal. The abdominal CT revealed  milimetric calcules in the left renal calixes, a 33 mm calculi in the right renal pelvis, the right atrophic kidney and, the right renal parenchymal slimming. The IVP showed  4x3 cm opacity  presumptive for staghorn calculi on the right middle and lower calixes, minimal function of the up-per calixes of the right kidney, no visualisation of the right ureter, appearances of the compensatrive hypertrophic functional left kid-ney and the normal left ureter. The renal scintigraphy for evaluati-on of the right renal function and the metabolic evaluation for the right nephrolitiasis were planned.

While the evaluation of the stone burden in choosing sponta-neous stone passage option for ureteral stone treatment, assessing short diameter would be more accurate to consider rather than as-sessing the long diameter. In this case report, it is emphasized that the spontaneous stone passage option should not be ignored before the operation even though the stone diameter is longer.

Keywords: Observation, therapy, ureteral calculi


A 36-year old man presented with history of right-sided ab-dominal pain 4 months ago and than right-sided groin pain 1.5 months after that . After a day, he had forced urination and passa-ged a large (42x8 mm) and 8 small stone 2 days duration spontane-ously without any medical treatment. The patient was admitted for residual urinary stones .

His physical examination, urinalysis and blood creatinin level were normal. The abdominal CT revealed  milimetric calcules in the left renal calixes, a 33 mm calculi in the right renal pelvis, the right atrophic kidney and, the right renal parenchymal slimming. The IVP showed  4x3 cm opacity  presumptive for staghorn calculi on the right middle and lower calixes, minimal function of the up-per calixes of the right kidney, no visualisation of the right ureter, appearances of the compensatrive hypertrophic functional left kid-ney and the normal left ureter. The renal scintigraphy for evaluati-on of the right renal function and the metabolic evaluation for the right nephrolitiasis were planned.

While the evaluation of the stone burden in choosing sponta-neous stone passage option for ureteral stone treatment, assessing short diameter would be more accurate to consider rather than as-sessing the long diameter. In this case report, it is emphasized that the spontaneous stone passage option should not be ignored before the operation even though the stone diameter is longer.

Keywords: Observation, therapy, ureteral calculi