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  • A Case of Synchronous Bilateral Testicular Tumor: Mixed Germ Cell Tumor With Pure Seminoma

Case Report

A Case of Synchronous Bilateral Testicular Tumor: Mixed Germ Cell Tumor With Pure Seminoma

SBÜ İzmir Bozyaka Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İzmir, Türkiye

DOI : 10.33719/yud.582906
New J Urol. 2019; 14 (2): 141-143


Testicular cancer is a rare tumor, acco- unting for 1-2% of cancers in men. Bilateral testicular tumor is a very rare condition. Only 35% of bilateral testicular tumors are seen as synchronous tumors. In synchronous tumors, bilateral seminoma is the most common. But one side seminoma and non-seminomatous tumor detection on the other side are less common. Although the gold standard in treatment seems to be bilateral radical orc- hiectomy, partial orchiectomy raised becau- se of infertility, hormonal insufficiency and psychosocial factors. In this case report, we aimed to present a case with synchronous bi- lateral testicular tumor with different surgical procedures and different pathological outco- mes for each sides.

Keywords: Testicular cancer, synchro- nous tumors, seminoma, non-seminomatous germ cell tumor


Testicular cancer is a rare tumor, acco- unting for 1-2% of cancers in men. Bilateral testicular tumor is a very rare condition. Only 35% of bilateral testicular tumors are seen as synchronous tumors. In synchronous tumors, bilateral seminoma is the most common. But one side seminoma and non-seminomatous tumor detection on the other side are less common. Although the gold standard in treatment seems to be bilateral radical orc- hiectomy, partial orchiectomy raised becau- se of infertility, hormonal insufficiency and psychosocial factors. In this case report, we aimed to present a case with synchronous bi- lateral testicular tumor with different surgical procedures and different pathological outco- mes for each sides.

Keywords: Testicular cancer, synchro- nous tumors, seminoma, non-seminomatous germ cell tumor