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Case Report

A pediatric patient had giant multifocal nephrogenic adenoma in the bladder: A case report

Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (3): 52-53


Nephrogenic adenoma is an uncommon be-nign metaplastic lesion in the urinary tract and it  can consist after chronic irritation, infection, trau-ma, surgery, calculi, foreign bodies and chemical agents. In this report, we share in a case of mul-tifocal nephrogenic adenoma in the bladder of a pediatric patient.

Key Words: Nephrogenic adenoma; Nephro-genic metaplasia.


Nephrogenic adenoma is an uncommon be-nign metaplastic lesion in the urinary tract and it  can consist after chronic irritation, infection, trau-ma, surgery, calculi, foreign bodies and chemical agents. In this report, we share in a case of mul-tifocal nephrogenic adenoma in the bladder of a pediatric patient.

Key Words: Nephrogenic adenoma; Nephro-genic metaplasia.