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Original Research

Sarcomatoid Carcinoma, a Variant Histology of the Bladder: Case Series and Literature Review

DOI : 10.33719/yud.524193
New J Urol. 2019; 14 (3): 182-188


Soft tissue sarcomas comprise 1% of adultho-od tumors, and about 10-20% of them are located in the retroperitoneum. Retroperitoneal liposar-comas are rarely seen malignancies with poor prognosis. They remain asymptomatic unless they grow up to extremely large sizes. The exten-sive surgical resection of these tumors may ne-cessitate the resection of various organs involved with the tumor. Herein, we report a rarely seen entity, with agressive clinical progress by revie-wing the literature.

Key Words: retroperitoneum, undifferantia-ted liposarcoma, radical resection


Soft tissue sarcomas comprise 1% of adultho-od tumors, and about 10-20% of them are located in the retroperitoneum. Retroperitoneal liposar-comas are rarely seen malignancies with poor prognosis. They remain asymptomatic unless they grow up to extremely large sizes. The exten-sive surgical resection of these tumors may ne-cessitate the resection of various organs involved with the tumor. Herein, we report a rarely seen entity, with agressive clinical progress by revie-wing the literature.

Key Words: retroperitoneum, undifferantia-ted liposarcoma, radical resection