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  • A rare cause of acute abdominal pain and gross hematuria: Emphysematous cystitis

Case Report

A rare cause of acute abdominal pain and gross hematuria: Emphysematous cystitis

1Inonu University, Medicine Faculty, Urology Department, Malatya, Turkey

2 Private Malatya Hospital, Radiology Department, Malatya, Turkey

3 Inonu University, Medicine Faculty, Radiology Department, Malatya, Turkey

4 Private Park Hospital, Urology Department, Malatya, Turkey

New J Urol. 2016; 11 (1): 38-40


Emphysematous cystitis (EC) is a rare form of comlicated urinary tract infection (UTI). Its characteristic feature is the present of gas in the bladder wall and lumen. Immunocompro-mised patients and diabetes mellitus (DM) are the primary risk factors for the EC and clinical symptoms of EC is range from asymptomatic to severe sepsis. EC is commonly detected in ol-derly diabetic women and seen in women two times more than in men. Here, we present a pa-tient was diabetic 73-year-old man attemped us with pain and gross hematuria for a few days.

Key Words: Emphysematous cystitis, ab-dominal pain, hematuria


Emphysematous cystitis (EC) is a rare form of comlicated urinary tract infection (UTI). Its characteristic feature is the present of gas in the bladder wall and lumen. Immunocompro-mised patients and diabetes mellitus (DM) are the primary risk factors for the EC and clinical symptoms of EC is range from asymptomatic to severe sepsis. EC is commonly detected in ol-derly diabetic women and seen in women two times more than in men. Here, we present a pa-tient was diabetic 73-year-old man attemped us with pain and gross hematuria for a few days.

Key Words: Emphysematous cystitis, ab-dominal pain, hematuria