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Case Report

Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy for a Right Pelvic Kidney; A Case Report of Challenging Dilemma

University of Health Sciences, Bakirkoy Dr.Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.730550
New J Urol. 2021; 16-(1): 74-78


Objective: We aimed to analyse the impact on cost- effective-ness of re-use of some instruments after proper cleaning and sterili-zation in ureteroscopic urinary stone surgery.

Materials and Methods: Between August 2010- July 2011, the data of 130 patients who underwent URSL surgery related to the diagnosis of ureteral stone were retrospectively analysed. The pa-tients with sterile urine culture, negative serological markers, and normal biochemical analyses were included the study. URSL was performed by 8- 10 F semirigid ureteroscope under general or re-gional anaesthesia. After each procedure, some of disposable surgi-cal equipments that would be re-used in a new operation were cle-arly irrigated with NaCl solution and properly sterilized by ethyle-ne oxide. We have found total account of all surgical equipments and the amounts of use of each equipment in each case. After the analysis of this data, the costs of single use and re-use were separa-tely determined.

Results: As a result of 130 URSL operations, it was found that total cost of re-use was 4134 TL, while total cost of single use was 26934.4 TL. Re-use of some surgical equipments provided 22800.4 TL (84.6%) decrease in the total cost. Postoperative  >38 C fever was seen in just 1 (0.7%) patient. Postoperative  10. day urine cul-ture showed that 4 (3%)  urine cultures were with the proliferation, nevertheless 126 (97%) cultures were sterile.

Conclusion: It was seen that re-use of some of surgical equip-ments those are used in URSL procedure, which is an effective tre-atment modality in the management of urinary system stone dise-ase, was significantly decreased the cost of this procedure without increasing the risk of infection.

Key Words: Ureteral calculy, ureteroscopic lithotripsy, re-use, infection


Objective: We aimed to analyse the impact on cost- effective-ness of re-use of some instruments after proper cleaning and sterili-zation in ureteroscopic urinary stone surgery.

Materials and Methods: Between August 2010- July 2011, the data of 130 patients who underwent URSL surgery related to the diagnosis of ureteral stone were retrospectively analysed. The pa-tients with sterile urine culture, negative serological markers, and normal biochemical analyses were included the study. URSL was performed by 8- 10 F semirigid ureteroscope under general or re-gional anaesthesia. After each procedure, some of disposable surgi-cal equipments that would be re-used in a new operation were cle-arly irrigated with NaCl solution and properly sterilized by ethyle-ne oxide. We have found total account of all surgical equipments and the amounts of use of each equipment in each case. After the analysis of this data, the costs of single use and re-use were separa-tely determined.

Results: As a result of 130 URSL operations, it was found that total cost of re-use was 4134 TL, while total cost of single use was 26934.4 TL. Re-use of some surgical equipments provided 22800.4 TL (84.6%) decrease in the total cost. Postoperative  >38 C fever was seen in just 1 (0.7%) patient. Postoperative  10. day urine cul-ture showed that 4 (3%)  urine cultures were with the proliferation, nevertheless 126 (97%) cultures were sterile.

Conclusion: It was seen that re-use of some of surgical equip-ments those are used in URSL procedure, which is an effective tre-atment modality in the management of urinary system stone dise-ase, was significantly decreased the cost of this procedure without increasing the risk of infection.

Key Words: Ureteral calculy, ureteroscopic lithotripsy, re-use, infection