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Asthenozoospermia: Through the eyes of histology and embryology specialist

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı, İzmir, Türkiye

New J Urol. 2013; 8 (3): 81-84


Sperm motility is an important parame-ter in semen analysis. Asthenozoospermia de-fined as low sperm motility is one of the ma-jor causes of male infertility. Asthenozoosper-mia could be due to many factors such as infec-tion, bacteria and bacterial products, cytokines, abnormal sperm. But molecular mechanism is not fully understood. Human sperm samples are evaluated by trained technicians according to WHO (World Health Organization) criteria. Semen sample is observed under a phase cont-rast microscope and the motility rate is deter-mined. Hyperviscosity during semen analysis is negatively related to decreased sperm moti-lity and has a negative impact on male inferti-lity. The association between seminal leukocy-tes and sperm motility is still a matter of deba-te in the literature. Viability tests should be per-formed to determine if the immotile sperm are alive or dead. Generally semen samples are sub-jected to eosin viability test or hypo-osmolar swelling (HOS) test. In cases with asthenozoos-permia infertility increases to a greater extent when sperm morphology disorders are added to coexisting motility disorders. Generally in the assessment of sperm morphology are used Papanicolaou, Shorr or Diff-Quik staining met-hods. As a result, it can be seen that plenty of data are available to provide related to male in-fertility by means of carrying out basic and not invasive semen analysis. By accurate and con-fidential semen analysis etiology of asthenozo-ospermia may be illuminated and important progress can be taken in motility treatment. In this review  it is aimed to evaluate  asthenozoos-permia through the eyes of histology and emb-ryology specialist.

Key Words: Asthenozoospermia, motility, sperm, semen analysis


Sperm motility is an important parame-ter in semen analysis. Asthenozoospermia de-fined as low sperm motility is one of the ma-jor causes of male infertility. Asthenozoosper-mia could be due to many factors such as infec-tion, bacteria and bacterial products, cytokines, abnormal sperm. But molecular mechanism is not fully understood. Human sperm samples are evaluated by trained technicians according to WHO (World Health Organization) criteria. Semen sample is observed under a phase cont-rast microscope and the motility rate is deter-mined. Hyperviscosity during semen analysis is negatively related to decreased sperm moti-lity and has a negative impact on male inferti-lity. The association between seminal leukocy-tes and sperm motility is still a matter of deba-te in the literature. Viability tests should be per-formed to determine if the immotile sperm are alive or dead. Generally semen samples are sub-jected to eosin viability test or hypo-osmolar swelling (HOS) test. In cases with asthenozoos-permia infertility increases to a greater extent when sperm morphology disorders are added to coexisting motility disorders. Generally in the assessment of sperm morphology are used Papanicolaou, Shorr or Diff-Quik staining met-hods. As a result, it can be seen that plenty of data are available to provide related to male in-fertility by means of carrying out basic and not invasive semen analysis. By accurate and con-fidential semen analysis etiology of asthenozo-ospermia may be illuminated and important progress can be taken in motility treatment. In this review  it is aimed to evaluate  asthenozoos-permia through the eyes of histology and emb-ryology specialist.

Key Words: Asthenozoospermia, motility, sperm, semen analysis