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Original Research

Male partner characteristics providing support for HPV vaccination of married women

Istinye University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, İstanbul, Turkey
Health Science Univesity, Department of Urology, İstanbul, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2023;18-1-1225314
New J Urol. 2023;18(1):85-91


Introduction: Renal tumors are one of the commonest cancer  in urinary tract neoplasms. The incidence of renal tumors is increased beca-use of widespread use of radiological imaging. We evaluated the patients who were diagnosed benign renal tumor and compared with malign renal tumors.

 Materials and Methods: 253 patients were evaluated who underwent radical or partial nephrectomy for renal tumors betwenn 2003 and 2013 years. The patients who were diagnosed non tumoral disease was excluded from the study. The patients were divided into two groups for patho-logical report, Group 1 was benign renal tumors and Group 2 was malign renal tumors.

Results: The patients were between 21 and 89 years and  65% of the patients was men and  35% was women. 52 patients were treated with partial nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy was perfor-med for 199 patients. The mean ages of patients were 59.94±18.46 and 63.06+13.26 years in Gru-op 1 and 2. The median tumor sizes were 4.7±1.56 ve 6.6+3.64 cm in group 1 and 2. Benign renal tu-mors was diagnosed in 18 (7.2%) patients. 13 pa-tients (5.2%) were  oncocytoma, 4 patients(1.6%) were anjiomyolipom, and 1patient (0.4%) was fibroma. 218 patients  (87.5%) were diagnosed of renal cell carcinoma. Squamosa cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma were reported in 1 patient(0.4%) and in12 patients (4.8%).

Conclusion: Diagnosis of benign renal tu-mors is usually seen in patients who underwent nephrectomy for diagnosis of renal tumors preo-peratively. Improvement of radiologic techniques for preoperative diagnosis might be related wit-hout necessity of nephrectomy in benign renal tumors.

Key Words: Radical nephrectomy, benign re-nal tumor, partial nephrectomy


Introduction: Renal tumors are one of the commonest cancer  in urinary tract neoplasms. The incidence of renal tumors is increased beca-use of widespread use of radiological imaging. We evaluated the patients who were diagnosed benign renal tumor and compared with malign renal tumors.

 Materials and Methods: 253 patients were evaluated who underwent radical or partial nephrectomy for renal tumors betwenn 2003 and 2013 years. The patients who were diagnosed non tumoral disease was excluded from the study. The patients were divided into two groups for patho-logical report, Group 1 was benign renal tumors and Group 2 was malign renal tumors.

Results: The patients were between 21 and 89 years and  65% of the patients was men and  35% was women. 52 patients were treated with partial nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy was perfor-med for 199 patients. The mean ages of patients were 59.94±18.46 and 63.06+13.26 years in Gru-op 1 and 2. The median tumor sizes were 4.7±1.56 ve 6.6+3.64 cm in group 1 and 2. Benign renal tu-mors was diagnosed in 18 (7.2%) patients. 13 pa-tients (5.2%) were  oncocytoma, 4 patients(1.6%) were anjiomyolipom, and 1patient (0.4%) was fibroma. 218 patients  (87.5%) were diagnosed of renal cell carcinoma. Squamosa cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma were reported in 1 patient(0.4%) and in12 patients (4.8%).

Conclusion: Diagnosis of benign renal tu-mors is usually seen in patients who underwent nephrectomy for diagnosis of renal tumors preo-peratively. Improvement of radiologic techniques for preoperative diagnosis might be related wit-hout necessity of nephrectomy in benign renal tumors.

Key Words: Radical nephrectomy, benign re-nal tumor, partial nephrectomy