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  • Effect of microscopic varicocelectomy on gonadal hormones and semen parameters in infertile males

Original Research

Effect of microscopic varicocelectomy on gonadal hormones and semen parameters in infertile males

1 Hitit Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Bölümü, Çorum, Türkiye

2 Hisar Interkontinental Hastanesi Üroloji Bölümü , İstanbul, Türkiye

3 Trakya Üniversitesi  Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Bölümü , Edirne, Türkiye

New J Urol. 2018; 13 (3): 28-31


Objective: To evaluate the effect of su-binguinal micro varicocelectomy on sex hor-mones of infertile males who are consulting infertility clinic.

Methods: Between the dates of  January 2014 to June 2016, despite at least one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, having no children, primarily infertile patients were included in the study. Follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total testoste-rone levels, semen analysis and scrotal Dopp-ler ultrasonography results in a total of 76 patients, who fulfilled the study criteria were reevaluated retrospectively.

Results: Average time of infertility was 3.6 years (1.5-6.3). Total testosterone valu-es before and six months after surgery were 380( 340-465) and 385(350-470) respectively. This was statistically significant (p <0.001). This increase was correlated with an increase of the LH levels from 6.59±1.37 to 6.79±0.94 and this was also seen as statistically signifi-cant (p<0.019).

Conclusion: Although infertility and va-ricocele is generally considered to be evalua-ted in terms of pain and infertility, due to a significant increase of serum testosterone le-vels after surgery, varicocele should be consi-dered in the differential diagnosis of patients with low serum testosterone levels.

Keywords: Varicocele; Infertility; testos-teron


Objective: To evaluate the effect of su-binguinal micro varicocelectomy on sex hor-mones of infertile males who are consulting infertility clinic.

Methods: Between the dates of  January 2014 to June 2016, despite at least one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, having no children, primarily infertile patients were included in the study. Follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total testoste-rone levels, semen analysis and scrotal Dopp-ler ultrasonography results in a total of 76 patients, who fulfilled the study criteria were reevaluated retrospectively.

Results: Average time of infertility was 3.6 years (1.5-6.3). Total testosterone valu-es before and six months after surgery were 380( 340-465) and 385(350-470) respectively. This was statistically significant (p <0.001). This increase was correlated with an increase of the LH levels from 6.59±1.37 to 6.79±0.94 and this was also seen as statistically signifi-cant (p<0.019).

Conclusion: Although infertility and va-ricocele is generally considered to be evalua-ted in terms of pain and infertility, due to a significant increase of serum testosterone le-vels after surgery, varicocele should be consi-dered in the differential diagnosis of patients with low serum testosterone levels.

Keywords: Varicocele; Infertility; testos-teron