Objectives: Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common reason of admission to emer-gency in children. Acute abdomimal pain may be a symptom of simple conditions such as infec-tions or due to serious conditions which can be resulted in severe morbidity or mortality. Urolit-hiasis is one of these commonly seen conditions. Material and Methods: A total of 442 child-ren presented to the emergency service with acute abdominal pain were reviewed. Routine physical examination and abdominal ultraso-nography were performed.
Results: The most common causes of abdo-minal pain are, urinary infection (n=55, 12.4%), urolithiasis n=38, 8.6%, mesenteric lymphadeni-tis n=34, 7.7%, problems of hepatobiliary system n=22, 5%, urinary tract anomalies n=12, 2.7% and idiopathic abdominal pains n=11, 2.5%. Surgical reasons were 6.1% n=27. Abdominal ultrasonography was normal in 243 children.
Conclusion: Pediatric urolithiasis is a se-rious condition which can cause severe morbi-dity. Acute abdominal pain is the first and most common sypmtom of urolithiasis, therefore uro-lithiasis must be primarily in mind in children presented to the emergency room with acute abdominal pain.
Key Words: Acute abdominal pain, child-ren, urolithiasis.
Objectives: Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common reason of admission to emer-gency in children. Acute abdomimal pain may be a symptom of simple conditions such as infec-tions or due to serious conditions which can be resulted in severe morbidity or mortality. Urolit-hiasis is one of these commonly seen conditions. Material and Methods: A total of 442 child-ren presented to the emergency service with acute abdominal pain were reviewed. Routine physical examination and abdominal ultraso-nography were performed.
Results: The most common causes of abdo-minal pain are, urinary infection (n=55, 12.4%), urolithiasis n=38, 8.6%, mesenteric lymphadeni-tis n=34, 7.7%, problems of hepatobiliary system n=22, 5%, urinary tract anomalies n=12, 2.7% and idiopathic abdominal pains n=11, 2.5%. Surgical reasons were 6.1% n=27. Abdominal ultrasonography was normal in 243 children.
Conclusion: Pediatric urolithiasis is a se-rious condition which can cause severe morbi-dity. Acute abdominal pain is the first and most common sypmtom of urolithiasis, therefore uro-lithiasis must be primarily in mind in children presented to the emergency room with acute abdominal pain.
Key Words: Acute abdominal pain, child-ren, urolithiasis.