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Flexible ureterorenoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic unilateral hematuria

Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği, İzmir, Türkiye

New J Urol. 2018; 13 (3): 24-27


Aim: Chronic unilateral hematuria is char-acterized by intermittent or persistent macro-scopic hematuria and can not be diagnosed with standart imaging modalities, urine cytology or hematologic tests. On cystoscopic examination unilateral hematuric urine jet is seen. In this study, the effectivity of flexible ureterorenoscopy with Holmium laser in the diagnosis and treat-ment of chronic unilateral hematuria was evalu-ated.

Material and methods: The data of 4 pa-tients with a mean age of 29.2 years who un-derwent flexible ureterorenoscopy with normal radiological imaging, urine cytology and hema-tological tests and unilateral hematuria on cys-toscopy were evaluated retrospectively.

Results:. In all patients, entire caliceal sys-tem was reached and bleeding focus was he-mostated with Holmium YAG laser. Hematuria disappeared in all patients. No macroscopic he-maturic recurrence was revealed in the mean 3.2 months follow-up.

Conclusion: Flexible ureterorenoscopy is an effective method in the diagnosis and treatment of the chronic unilateral hematuria and should be concerned as a procedure of first choice.

Keywords: kidney, hematuria, lasers, ure-terorenoscopy


Aim: Chronic unilateral hematuria is char-acterized by intermittent or persistent macro-scopic hematuria and can not be diagnosed with standart imaging modalities, urine cytology or hematologic tests. On cystoscopic examination unilateral hematuric urine jet is seen. In this study, the effectivity of flexible ureterorenoscopy with Holmium laser in the diagnosis and treat-ment of chronic unilateral hematuria was evalu-ated.

Material and methods: The data of 4 pa-tients with a mean age of 29.2 years who un-derwent flexible ureterorenoscopy with normal radiological imaging, urine cytology and hema-tological tests and unilateral hematuria on cys-toscopy were evaluated retrospectively.

Results:. In all patients, entire caliceal sys-tem was reached and bleeding focus was he-mostated with Holmium YAG laser. Hematuria disappeared in all patients. No macroscopic he-maturic recurrence was revealed in the mean 3.2 months follow-up.

Conclusion: Flexible ureterorenoscopy is an effective method in the diagnosis and treatment of the chronic unilateral hematuria and should be concerned as a procedure of first choice.

Keywords: kidney, hematuria, lasers, ure-terorenoscopy