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Initial results of our digital flexible ureteroscopy

1 Ankara Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, Ankara
2 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Üroloji ABD, Ankara

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (2): 22-25


Objective: To present our digital flexible ureteroscopy experience during retrograde int-rarenal surgery.

Material and Methods: Between March 2013 and February 2014, a total of 78 renal units were treated by retrograde intrarenal surgery with digital flexible ureteroscopy. Demograp-hics, stone characteristics, operation specifica-tions and success rates of the patients are eva-luated.

Results: The mean age was 47, 4 and sto-ne size was 16,04 (8-36) mm. The localizations of the stones were renal pelvis 29,48%, upper pole 6,41%, middle pole 6,41% and lower pole 29,48%. 56 patients had single stone and 22 pa-tients had multiple stones. The mean operation time was 55, 9 minutes and the mean fluoros-copy time was 42, 1 seconds. The initial and final success rates were 77,92% and 79,26% res-pectively.

Conclusion: Digital flexible ureteroscopes has similar success rates compared to fiber optic devices. Their advantages are clear image quality and durability. The major disadvantage is their larger diameter compared to fiber optic devices.

Key words: Digital, fiber optic, Flexible ure-teroscopy


Objective: To present our digital flexible ureteroscopy experience during retrograde int-rarenal surgery.

Material and Methods: Between March 2013 and February 2014, a total of 78 renal units were treated by retrograde intrarenal surgery with digital flexible ureteroscopy. Demograp-hics, stone characteristics, operation specifica-tions and success rates of the patients are eva-luated.

Results: The mean age was 47, 4 and sto-ne size was 16,04 (8-36) mm. The localizations of the stones were renal pelvis 29,48%, upper pole 6,41%, middle pole 6,41% and lower pole 29,48%. 56 patients had single stone and 22 pa-tients had multiple stones. The mean operation time was 55, 9 minutes and the mean fluoros-copy time was 42, 1 seconds. The initial and final success rates were 77,92% and 79,26% res-pectively.

Conclusion: Digital flexible ureteroscopes has similar success rates compared to fiber optic devices. Their advantages are clear image quality and durability. The major disadvantage is their larger diameter compared to fiber optic devices.

Key words: Digital, fiber optic, Flexible ure-teroscopy