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Intracavernosal self injection in erectile dysfunction: Patient compliance and effectiveness

1 Sema Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul

2 Özel Anadolu Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, Kastamonu

3 Özel Kolan Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul

2012; 7 (2): 6-9


Objective: The purpose of this clinical study is to investigate the efficacy of intracaver-nous therapy, and compliance of patients with erectile dysfunction.

Material and Methods: From June 2003 to July 2011, 52 cases of patients within the age group of 23–77, receiving intracavernous tre-atment for erectile dysfunction were evalua-ted. Criteria for evaluation: Patient satisfacti-on, duration of erection, quality of erection, pa-tient compliance, complications, abandonment of treatment.

Results: 19 cases were Vascular, 11 were psychogenic, 15 were neurogenic, 4 were mi-xed, and 3 were idiopathic. The rate of rigidity in elderly patients was lower, continuation of treatment and patient satisfaction were higher. In younger patients, although the rate of rigi-dity was higher, the rate of treatment abandon-ment was higher as well when compared to el-derly patients. The best response was obtained in psychogenic and neurogenic group. Respon-se rates for psychogenic, neurogenic, vascular, mixed and idiopathic groups were, 82%, 80%, 73,7%, 75% and 67% respectively. 7 patients had ecchymosis, 4 had priapism, and 2 had fibrosis.

Conclusion: Intracavernosal self-injection provides an effective and satisfactory erection. The sustainability of treatment, especially in el-derly patients is higher.

Key Words: Erectile dysfunction, intraca-vernosal therapy, papaverine, phentolamine


Objective: The purpose of this clinical study is to investigate the efficacy of intracaver-nous therapy, and compliance of patients with erectile dysfunction.

Material and Methods: From June 2003 to July 2011, 52 cases of patients within the age group of 23–77, receiving intracavernous tre-atment for erectile dysfunction were evalua-ted. Criteria for evaluation: Patient satisfacti-on, duration of erection, quality of erection, pa-tient compliance, complications, abandonment of treatment.

Results: 19 cases were Vascular, 11 were psychogenic, 15 were neurogenic, 4 were mi-xed, and 3 were idiopathic. The rate of rigidity in elderly patients was lower, continuation of treatment and patient satisfaction were higher. In younger patients, although the rate of rigi-dity was higher, the rate of treatment abandon-ment was higher as well when compared to el-derly patients. The best response was obtained in psychogenic and neurogenic group. Respon-se rates for psychogenic, neurogenic, vascular, mixed and idiopathic groups were, 82%, 80%, 73,7%, 75% and 67% respectively. 7 patients had ecchymosis, 4 had priapism, and 2 had fibrosis.

Conclusion: Intracavernosal self-injection provides an effective and satisfactory erection. The sustainability of treatment, especially in el-derly patients is higher.

Key Words: Erectile dysfunction, intraca-vernosal therapy, papaverine, phentolamine