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Relationship of Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte ratio with Disease Recurrence and Progression riskin Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer

1 Department of Urology, Haseki Education Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2023-18-3-1293426
New J Urol. 2023;18(3):186-195


Objective: Even though penile curvature is not a life-threatening disease, it affects the appea-rance of the penis and may interfere with patient’s sexual life. Congenital penile curvature can only be treated surgically. In this article we present 16 patients who have undergone tunical plication or Nesbit procedure for their conjenital penile cur-vatures.

Materials and Methods: This study is a revi-ew of retrospectively collected charts of 16 pati-ents (from 2 different clinics) who have undergo-ne penile curvature surgery between April 2011 and January 2014. Patients discomfort during sexual intercourse or cosmetic reasons are accep-ted as surgery indications and every patient has undergone tunical plication or Nesbit procedure. Patients admittance reason to the clinics, penile curvature degree, surgery type (nesbit procedure, tunical plication), operation duration and length of stay in the hospital, early complications and patient’s satisfactions were all evaluated for this study.

Results: The mean age of patients were 22.75±5.52 years (range 13-32). Ten patients have undergone Nesbit procedure and six pati-ents have undergone tunical plication procedure. The mean degree of curvature before procedure was 43.13±11.67 degrees (range 30 and 67). The degree of curvature was statistically significant higher in patients who have undergone Nesbit procedure when compared to patients who have undergone tunical plication procedure (p:0.049). During the follow-up period (15.2±7.3 months) 11 of our patients had reported no complaints. One patient reported a complaint of ‘sensation of suture material’ and shortening of penis. One other patient repor-ted both hipoesthesia and the ‘sensation of suture material’ compla-int. Two other patients reported penile hipoesthesia.

Conclusion: Nesbit procedure and tunical plication procedure are effective and safe treatment options in conjenital penile curva-ture. Penil hipoesthesia and ‘sensation of suture material’ are the two most common complaints after these procedures.

Key Words: Congenital penile curvature, plication, Nesbit


Objective: Even though penile curvature is not a life-threatening disease, it affects the appea-rance of the penis and may interfere with patient’s sexual life. Congenital penile curvature can only be treated surgically. In this article we present 16 patients who have undergone tunical plication or Nesbit procedure for their conjenital penile cur-vatures.

Materials and Methods: This study is a revi-ew of retrospectively collected charts of 16 pati-ents (from 2 different clinics) who have undergo-ne penile curvature surgery between April 2011 and January 2014. Patients discomfort during sexual intercourse or cosmetic reasons are accep-ted as surgery indications and every patient has undergone tunical plication or Nesbit procedure. Patients admittance reason to the clinics, penile curvature degree, surgery type (nesbit procedure, tunical plication), operation duration and length of stay in the hospital, early complications and patient’s satisfactions were all evaluated for this study.

Results: The mean age of patients were 22.75±5.52 years (range 13-32). Ten patients have undergone Nesbit procedure and six pati-ents have undergone tunical plication procedure. The mean degree of curvature before procedure was 43.13±11.67 degrees (range 30 and 67). The degree of curvature was statistically significant higher in patients who have undergone Nesbit procedure when compared to patients who have undergone tunical plication procedure (p:0.049). During the follow-up period (15.2±7.3 months) 11 of our patients had reported no complaints. One patient reported a complaint of ‘sensation of suture material’ and shortening of penis. One other patient repor-ted both hipoesthesia and the ‘sensation of suture material’ compla-int. Two other patients reported penile hipoesthesia.

Conclusion: Nesbit procedure and tunical plication procedure are effective and safe treatment options in conjenital penile curva-ture. Penil hipoesthesia and ‘sensation of suture material’ are the two most common complaints after these procedures.

Key Words: Congenital penile curvature, plication, Nesbit