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Case Report

Percutaneous suprapubic cystolithotripsy for large bladder stone with urethral stricture

Muş Devlet Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği, Muş


New J Urol. 2013; 8 (1): 65-67


Bladder stone is a common urological di-sease and numerous surgical techniques have been used for the removal of bladder stones. We report a case of large bladder stone with ureth-ral stricture treated with percutaneous suprapu-bic cystolithotripsy without damaging urethra.

Key Words: Percutaneous suprapu bic cystolithotripsy, large bladder stone, urethral stricture.


Bladder stone is a common urological di-sease and numerous surgical techniques have been used for the removal of bladder stones. We report a case of large bladder stone with ureth-ral stricture treated with percutaneous suprapu-bic cystolithotripsy without damaging urethra.

Key Words: Percutaneous suprapu bic cystolithotripsy, large bladder stone, urethral stricture.