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  • Primary retroperitoneal mesothelial cyst mimicking giant hydronephrosis: A case report

Case Report

Primary retroperitoneal mesothelial cyst mimicking giant hydronephrosis: A case report

1 İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1.Üroloji Kliniği

2 İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1. Patoloji Kliniği

3 İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Üroloji Anabilim Dalı

2012; 7 (2): 41-43


The retroperitoneal cysts which have me-sothelial origin are very rare. Surgery is the standard method for definitive diagnosis and treatment of retroperitoneal cysts At the time of diagnosis  it is difficult to seperate from other retroperitoneal masses. Ten-year-old girl was operated with the diagnosis of left nonfuncti-onal hydronephrotic kidney. In macroscopic examination at the edge of  the cyst about 2 cm of tissue was hypoplastic kidney. In  histopatho-logical examination, cyst wall was paved with a single row of cubical epithelium and immu-nohistochemically cytoceratin 7(+), WT-1(+), calretinin (+) was detected and the cyst was di-agnosed as mesothelial cyst. Two centimeters kidney tissue was assessed in accordance with hypoplasic kidney.Here we present a case of pri-mary retroperitoneal mesothelial cyst, which is very rare in the literature.

Key Words: Mesothelial; cyst; retroperito-neum


The retroperitoneal cysts which have me-sothelial origin are very rare. Surgery is the standard method for definitive diagnosis and treatment of retroperitoneal cysts At the time of diagnosis  it is difficult to seperate from other retroperitoneal masses. Ten-year-old girl was operated with the diagnosis of left nonfuncti-onal hydronephrotic kidney. In macroscopic examination at the edge of  the cyst about 2 cm of tissue was hypoplastic kidney. In  histopatho-logical examination, cyst wall was paved with a single row of cubical epithelium and immu-nohistochemically cytoceratin 7(+), WT-1(+), calretinin (+) was detected and the cyst was di-agnosed as mesothelial cyst. Two centimeters kidney tissue was assessed in accordance with hypoplasic kidney.Here we present a case of pri-mary retroperitoneal mesothelial cyst, which is very rare in the literature.

Key Words: Mesothelial; cyst; retroperito-neum