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Radical retropubic prostatectomy: Which tissues come with prostate?

1 Dr.Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul
2 Medipol Üniversitesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul
3 Dr.Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji Kliniği, İstanbul

New J Urol. 2013; 8 (2): 45-51


Objective: Histological evaluation of tissues found on specimens of radical retropubic pros-tatectomy (RRP).

Material and Methods: A single surgeon’s series of 30 RRP specimens were evaluated. The RRP specimens were dissected from apex to ba-sis. The following slices were dissected: 1 from the Apex, 2 from the center of the prostate, and 1 from the basis. Tissue surrounding these slices were histologically evaluated working from the following 7 parameters determined in light of la-test anatomical and pathological insight on the prostate: “Dorsal venous complex (DVC)”, “Stri-ated muscle (Rhabdosphincter)”, “Periprostatic fascial tissue (PPFT)”, “Neurovascular bundle (NVB)”, “Bladder neck smooth muscle”, “Surgi-cal margins” and “Capsular incision”.

Results: Whilst DVC was found whole in the dissected apex slices, muscle striation was found with 28 (93.3%) of the patients. PPFT wit-hin central prostate sections was found with all of the patients, predominantly within posterior quadrants. Again within central prostate secti-ons NVB was found with 23 (76.6%) of the pati-ents, predominantly within posterior quadrants. All basis slices were found to have bladder neck smooth muscle. Surgical margin positivity was found with 9 (30%) of the patients, 7 of them were in the apex. Capsular incision was found with 9 (30%) of the patients.

Conclusion: A quantitative report of the extent to which other anatomical structures are extracted when removing the prostate emplo-ying the RRP technique, were provided with this study. We think that, these findings might pro-vide new ideas about prostate anatomy as well as radical prostatectomy surgery techniques.

Key Words: Prostatectomy, Specimen, His-tology


Objective: Histological evaluation of tissues found on specimens of radical retropubic pros-tatectomy (RRP).

Material and Methods: A single surgeon’s series of 30 RRP specimens were evaluated. The RRP specimens were dissected from apex to ba-sis. The following slices were dissected: 1 from the Apex, 2 from the center of the prostate, and 1 from the basis. Tissue surrounding these slices were histologically evaluated working from the following 7 parameters determined in light of la-test anatomical and pathological insight on the prostate: “Dorsal venous complex (DVC)”, “Stri-ated muscle (Rhabdosphincter)”, “Periprostatic fascial tissue (PPFT)”, “Neurovascular bundle (NVB)”, “Bladder neck smooth muscle”, “Surgi-cal margins” and “Capsular incision”.

Results: Whilst DVC was found whole in the dissected apex slices, muscle striation was found with 28 (93.3%) of the patients. PPFT wit-hin central prostate sections was found with all of the patients, predominantly within posterior quadrants. Again within central prostate secti-ons NVB was found with 23 (76.6%) of the pati-ents, predominantly within posterior quadrants. All basis slices were found to have bladder neck smooth muscle. Surgical margin positivity was found with 9 (30%) of the patients, 7 of them were in the apex. Capsular incision was found with 9 (30%) of the patients.

Conclusion: A quantitative report of the extent to which other anatomical structures are extracted when removing the prostate emplo-ying the RRP technique, were provided with this study. We think that, these findings might pro-vide new ideas about prostate anatomy as well as radical prostatectomy surgery techniques.

Key Words: Prostatectomy, Specimen, His-tology