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Relationship between metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction

Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği, Ankara

New J Urol. 2013; 8 (2): 79-86


There is a strong association between erec-tile dysfunction (ED) and the  atherosclerotic risk factors, such as hypertension ,dyslipide-mia,  glucose intolerance and obesity and they are well known  as the components of metabo-lic syndrome. Relationship between the num-ber of these risk factors and the prevalence of ED have been demonstrated by recent literatu-re which underlines the link between metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction. It has also been proven the association between metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease  by clini-cal and epidemiologic studies. Erectile dysfunc-tion and cardiovascular disease share the same risk factors ( hypertension, diabetes, dyslipide-mia, obesity, and smoking) all of which may ca-use endothelial dysfunction. Existing literature offers strong evidence that endothelial dysfunc-tion and erectile dysfunction are linked. The earliest signs of systemic vascular disease is the onset of erectile dysfunction and might be con-sidered as an early marker for subclinical cardi-ovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction is more common in diabetic males and its prevalence tends to increase with age and duration of di-abetes. The multifactorial etiology of ED, espe-cially in patients with the metabolic syndrome, increases the difficulty of managing this prob-lem. A systematic evaluation should be requi-red in this patient population in order to deter-mine the need of intervention.

Key Words: Metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction


There is a strong association between erec-tile dysfunction (ED) and the  atherosclerotic risk factors, such as hypertension ,dyslipide-mia,  glucose intolerance and obesity and they are well known  as the components of metabo-lic syndrome. Relationship between the num-ber of these risk factors and the prevalence of ED have been demonstrated by recent literatu-re which underlines the link between metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction. It has also been proven the association between metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease  by clini-cal and epidemiologic studies. Erectile dysfunc-tion and cardiovascular disease share the same risk factors ( hypertension, diabetes, dyslipide-mia, obesity, and smoking) all of which may ca-use endothelial dysfunction. Existing literature offers strong evidence that endothelial dysfunc-tion and erectile dysfunction are linked. The earliest signs of systemic vascular disease is the onset of erectile dysfunction and might be con-sidered as an early marker for subclinical cardi-ovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction is more common in diabetic males and its prevalence tends to increase with age and duration of di-abetes. The multifactorial etiology of ED, espe-cially in patients with the metabolic syndrome, increases the difficulty of managing this prob-lem. A systematic evaluation should be requi-red in this patient population in order to deter-mine the need of intervention.

Key Words: Metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction