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  • Relationship between nocturnal enuresis and demographic structure and educational level of their families

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Relationship between nocturnal enuresis and demographic structure and educational level of their families

1Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul

2Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Aile Hekimliği, İstanbul

New J Urol. 2014; 9 (2): 06-08


Objectives: Nocturnal enuresis which is urinary incontinence in sleep period because of lack of bladder control is one of the most com-mon disease in childhood period. In our study we investigated relationship between child-ren with nocturnal enuresis and demographic structure and educational level of their families. Material and Methods: We compared 76 nocturnal enuresis patient aged 8-18 who app-lied urology and pediatric clinic with symptoms of night bed-wetting and 46 normal kids with same ages who has full continence. After deta-iled patient history, physical examination and laboratory tests a questionnaire consisting of 34 questions were filled by both groups.

Results: In first group 36 (%47.4) patient were girl and 40 (%52.6) patient were boy. In control group   26 (56.5%) were girl and 20 (43.5%) were boy. Mean age of first group was 10.76 year while 10.89 year for control group. 86.8 percentage of nocturnal enuresis patients was one of the first three child of family while others (13.2%) was fourth or later child of fa-mily. Mean age of mothers in first group was 34.15 years(27-48 age) while 38.28 years(27-52 age) for control groups. Mean age of mothers of first group was statistically lower than control group (p<0.05). In contrast there was no signi-ficant difference between mean ages of fathers. Finally first group had low socio-economic level than control group (p<0.05). Socio-economic level was determi-ned by families own opinion.

Conclusion: We observed that there was a relationship betwe-en nocturnal enuresis and low mother age, low delivery age of the mother, low socio-economic level and the presence of non-working parent.

Key Words: Demographic structure, educational level, noctur-nal enuresis.


Objectives: Nocturnal enuresis which is urinary incontinence in sleep period because of lack of bladder control is one of the most com-mon disease in childhood period. In our study we investigated relationship between child-ren with nocturnal enuresis and demographic structure and educational level of their families. Material and Methods: We compared 76 nocturnal enuresis patient aged 8-18 who app-lied urology and pediatric clinic with symptoms of night bed-wetting and 46 normal kids with same ages who has full continence. After deta-iled patient history, physical examination and laboratory tests a questionnaire consisting of 34 questions were filled by both groups.

Results: In first group 36 (%47.4) patient were girl and 40 (%52.6) patient were boy. In control group   26 (56.5%) were girl and 20 (43.5%) were boy. Mean age of first group was 10.76 year while 10.89 year for control group. 86.8 percentage of nocturnal enuresis patients was one of the first three child of family while others (13.2%) was fourth or later child of fa-mily. Mean age of mothers in first group was 34.15 years(27-48 age) while 38.28 years(27-52 age) for control groups. Mean age of mothers of first group was statistically lower than control group (p<0.05). In contrast there was no signi-ficant difference between mean ages of fathers. Finally first group had low socio-economic level than control group (p<0.05). Socio-economic level was determi-ned by families own opinion.

Conclusion: We observed that there was a relationship betwe-en nocturnal enuresis and low mother age, low delivery age of the mother, low socio-economic level and the presence of non-working parent.

Key Words: Demographic structure, educational level, noctur-nal enuresis.