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Relationship digit ratio with penil length and testis volume in children

Ufuk Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD, Ankara, Türkiye

New J Urol. 2018; 13 (3): 32-35


Objective: The activation of functional re-ceptors via the stimulation of androgens has a role in the differentiation of male internal and external reproductive organs. Homeobox (Hox) genes regulate the development of limbs inclu-ding fingers, genital bud differentiation and the development of testis and penis during embryo-genesis. Syndromes in which both the fingers and the genital system are affected due to Hox gene smutations have been reported.  Studies have shown that the second and fourth digit length ratios are related the level of prenatal testosterone  but not adult testosterone levels. In the present study we eveluated the relea-tion between the 2.-4. Digit length ratio and the penile length and the testicular volume among the patients over two years of age who visited our hospital for circumcision. 

Materials and Methods: 125 children who applied for circumcision between the years 2016 and 2017 was included in this study. Children with hypospadias, undescended testis, hydro-cele, genital or scrotal surgery record and with endocrine disorders was excluded. Weights and lengths of all children were measured, body mass indexes and weight and length develop-ment percentiles were calculated. Penile and digit lengths were measured and testicular vo-lumes were assessed preoperatively after general anesthesia in the operating room. Prader orc-hidometer was used for the assessment of testi-cular volumes whereas penile and digit lengths were measured by using vernier caliper.

Results: The meanage of children included in this study is 7,33±1,22. Significant results were found between flask penile length and right 4th digit length, right 2/4 digit  ratio and left 2/4 digit ratio (p=0,001). It was seen that the stretc-hed  penile length was correlated with right 4th digit length, right 2/4 digit ratio and left 2/4 di-git ratio (p<0,05, p<0,05, p=0,001 respectively). There was also a significant correlation between total testicle volume and both flaccid and streched penile length (p<0,05, p=0,001 respectively).

Conclusions: There are many studies in literature with various hypotheses about digit lengths and ratios. In our work, however, results that are in line with literature have been achieved, as well as partly dif-ferent results. We believe that 2.-4. finger ratio can be an indicator for both flaccid and stretched  penile length.

Keywords: Penile Length, Digit Lenght, Digit Ratio


Objective: The activation of functional re-ceptors via the stimulation of androgens has a role in the differentiation of male internal and external reproductive organs. Homeobox (Hox) genes regulate the development of limbs inclu-ding fingers, genital bud differentiation and the development of testis and penis during embryo-genesis. Syndromes in which both the fingers and the genital system are affected due to Hox gene smutations have been reported.  Studies have shown that the second and fourth digit length ratios are related the level of prenatal testosterone  but not adult testosterone levels. In the present study we eveluated the relea-tion between the 2.-4. Digit length ratio and the penile length and the testicular volume among the patients over two years of age who visited our hospital for circumcision. 

Materials and Methods: 125 children who applied for circumcision between the years 2016 and 2017 was included in this study. Children with hypospadias, undescended testis, hydro-cele, genital or scrotal surgery record and with endocrine disorders was excluded. Weights and lengths of all children were measured, body mass indexes and weight and length develop-ment percentiles were calculated. Penile and digit lengths were measured and testicular vo-lumes were assessed preoperatively after general anesthesia in the operating room. Prader orc-hidometer was used for the assessment of testi-cular volumes whereas penile and digit lengths were measured by using vernier caliper.

Results: The meanage of children included in this study is 7,33±1,22. Significant results were found between flask penile length and right 4th digit length, right 2/4 digit  ratio and left 2/4 digit ratio (p=0,001). It was seen that the stretc-hed  penile length was correlated with right 4th digit length, right 2/4 digit ratio and left 2/4 di-git ratio (p<0,05, p<0,05, p=0,001 respectively). There was also a significant correlation between total testicle volume and both flaccid and streched penile length (p<0,05, p=0,001 respectively).

Conclusions: There are many studies in literature with various hypotheses about digit lengths and ratios. In our work, however, results that are in line with literature have been achieved, as well as partly dif-ferent results. We believe that 2.-4. finger ratio can be an indicator for both flaccid and stretched  penile length.

Keywords: Penile Length, Digit Lenght, Digit Ratio