Objective: Evaluating the types of pain and the results of treatment as retrospectively in pa-tients with prostate cancer who apply to the Al-gology department with the complain of chro-nic pain.
Material and Methods: Patients presenting to the Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medi-cine, Department of Algology with pain and diag-nosed with prostate cancer between January 2000 and December 2010 were investigated. The socio-demographic characteristics, pain status and the treatments administered were evaluated retrospec-tively from the patient files. All the patients were ad-ministered the WHO (World Health Organizati-on) analgesic ladder; patients who could not benefit from the pharmacological treatment were detected to receive invasive procedures (Figure 1).
Results: The mean age of the prostate can-cer patients was 73.6 ± 8.4 year. While 16.9% of the patients (n=46) presented by their own will, 83.1% of them (n=226) were referred to us by the Urology clinic. 91.2% of the patients (n=248) had bone polyclinics while 8.8% had no metastasis (n=24). 87.1% of them (n=237) were administe-red pharmacologic treatment while 12.9% (n=35) received pharmacological + invasive treatment. 96.9% of the patients who undergoing invasive intervention had placed epidural catheter.
Conclusion: Advanced prostate cancer is among the leading cancers that are accompani-ed by pain. The palpation of the pain is directly related to the morbidity of the disease. Prostate cancer pain should be treated using multidiscip-linary methods.
Key Words: Pain, treatment of pain, prosta-te cancer.
Objective: Evaluating the types of pain and the results of treatment as retrospectively in pa-tients with prostate cancer who apply to the Al-gology department with the complain of chro-nic pain.
Material and Methods: Patients presenting to the Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medi-cine, Department of Algology with pain and diag-nosed with prostate cancer between January 2000 and December 2010 were investigated. The socio-demographic characteristics, pain status and the treatments administered were evaluated retrospec-tively from the patient files. All the patients were ad-ministered the WHO (World Health Organizati-on) analgesic ladder; patients who could not benefit from the pharmacological treatment were detected to receive invasive procedures (Figure 1).
Results: The mean age of the prostate can-cer patients was 73.6 ± 8.4 year. While 16.9% of the patients (n=46) presented by their own will, 83.1% of them (n=226) were referred to us by the Urology clinic. 91.2% of the patients (n=248) had bone polyclinics while 8.8% had no metastasis (n=24). 87.1% of them (n=237) were administe-red pharmacologic treatment while 12.9% (n=35) received pharmacological + invasive treatment. 96.9% of the patients who undergoing invasive intervention had placed epidural catheter.
Conclusion: Advanced prostate cancer is among the leading cancers that are accompani-ed by pain. The palpation of the pain is directly related to the morbidity of the disease. Prostate cancer pain should be treated using multidiscip-linary methods.
Key Words: Pain, treatment of pain, prosta-te cancer.