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Selection of anesthesia to reduce anxiety, worry and fear in male circumcision

1 Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği

2 Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Pediatrik Cerrahi Kliniği

3 Özel Hayat Hastanesi Üroloji Bölümü Bursa

4 Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi  Aile Hekimliği Bölümü

New J Urol. 2018; 13 (2): 26-30


Aim: To evaluate the stress created by the concern, anxiety and fear experienced during the circumcision procedure performed under local anesthesia(LA) or general anesthesia(GA) with the Venham picture test(VPT) and facial image scale(FIS).

Method and Materials: We included in the study a total of 90 children who were circumci-sed, 50 under general anesthesia and 40 under local anesthesia, after consent was obtained from the family. All children completed the VPT and FIS tests before and after the circumcision. SSPS 16 was used for statistical analysis.

Results: The children who were circumci-sed were divided into 2 as the LA and GA gro-ups. The mean age was 7.75±2.04(4-12) years in the LA and 7.28±1.4(4-12) years in the GA group with no statistically significant difference (p=0.233). VPT results were found to be corre-lated with FIS results. FIS results increased 57% and VPT results 22% after the procedure in the LA group(p=0.0001 and p=0.001, respectively). This increase rate was 7% and 0.69% respectively in the GA group and these increases were not significant(p=0.520, p=0.385, respectively).

Conclusion: The stress (fear, concern and anxiety) caused by the anesthesia method used during the circumcision procedure in the child can be detected using VPT and FIS. We conclu-ded that circumcision performed with LA may cause more stress in children than with GA as the VPT and FIS values were significantly higher. GA should therefore be preferred in children aged 4-12 years as it will cause less stress, despite the anesthesia duration and the possible risks.

Keywords: anesthesia type, circumcision, stress, VPT, FIS


Aim: To evaluate the stress created by the concern, anxiety and fear experienced during the circumcision procedure performed under local anesthesia(LA) or general anesthesia(GA) with the Venham picture test(VPT) and facial image scale(FIS).

Method and Materials: We included in the study a total of 90 children who were circumci-sed, 50 under general anesthesia and 40 under local anesthesia, after consent was obtained from the family. All children completed the VPT and FIS tests before and after the circumcision. SSPS 16 was used for statistical analysis.

Results: The children who were circumci-sed were divided into 2 as the LA and GA gro-ups. The mean age was 7.75±2.04(4-12) years in the LA and 7.28±1.4(4-12) years in the GA group with no statistically significant difference (p=0.233). VPT results were found to be corre-lated with FIS results. FIS results increased 57% and VPT results 22% after the procedure in the LA group(p=0.0001 and p=0.001, respectively). This increase rate was 7% and 0.69% respectively in the GA group and these increases were not significant(p=0.520, p=0.385, respectively).

Conclusion: The stress (fear, concern and anxiety) caused by the anesthesia method used during the circumcision procedure in the child can be detected using VPT and FIS. We conclu-ded that circumcision performed with LA may cause more stress in children than with GA as the VPT and FIS values were significantly higher. GA should therefore be preferred in children aged 4-12 years as it will cause less stress, despite the anesthesia duration and the possible risks.

Keywords: anesthesia type, circumcision, stress, VPT, FIS