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  • Superselective embolization of vesical arteries for management of hemorrhagic cystitis caused by BK polyomavirus

Case Report

Superselective embolization of vesical arteries for management of hemorrhagic cystitis caused by BK polyomavirus

1 Department of Radiology, Istanbul Bilim University, Medical Faculty, Şişli Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

2 Department of Urology, Istanbul Bilim University, Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey

3 Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Istanbul Bilim University, Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey

4 Department of Haematology, Şişli Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.

New J Urol. 2018; 13 (3): 54-57


A 36 year- old male patient who had received an allogeneic stem cell transplanta-tion from a non- familial identical donor for the treatment of non- Hodgkin lymphoma 19 days ago admitted to the emergency de-partment with macroscopic hematuria. A BK virus induced hematuria was diagnosed and conservative measures failed to get his heamaturia under control.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and  Cidofovir treatment had also failed. Then bilateral percutaneous neph-rostomies were inserted followed by selec-tive angioembolization of vesical arteries one week later. Two weeks after angioembo-lization both nephrostomies were clamped sequentially and the patient was able to pass urine comfortably without any haematuria. Management of heamorrhagic cystitis by a stepwise, rapid multi-disciplinary approach can be a critical factor in the success of stem cell transplantation.

Keywords: angioembolization, cystitis, hematuria, lymphoma, stem cell transplanta-tion.


A 36 year- old male patient who had received an allogeneic stem cell transplanta-tion from a non- familial identical donor for the treatment of non- Hodgkin lymphoma 19 days ago admitted to the emergency de-partment with macroscopic hematuria. A BK virus induced hematuria was diagnosed and conservative measures failed to get his heamaturia under control.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and  Cidofovir treatment had also failed. Then bilateral percutaneous neph-rostomies were inserted followed by selec-tive angioembolization of vesical arteries one week later. Two weeks after angioembo-lization both nephrostomies were clamped sequentially and the patient was able to pass urine comfortably without any haematuria. Management of heamorrhagic cystitis by a stepwise, rapid multi-disciplinary approach can be a critical factor in the success of stem cell transplantation.

Keywords: angioembolization, cystitis, hematuria, lymphoma, stem cell transplanta-tion.