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  • The effects of TUR-P (Monopolar/Bipolar), greenlight-photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP) and Transvesical Prostatectomy (TVP)

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The effects of TUR-P (Monopolar/Bipolar), greenlight-photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP) and Transvesical Prostatectomy (TVP)

Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği

New J Urol. 2013; 8 (1): 12-17


Objective: The effects of surgical techniques which used in BPH treatment by IIEF-15 query form on sexual function was investigated.

Materials and Methods: The study was Ja-nuary 2008 - June 2011 between BPH diagno-sed between the ages of 50-75, sexually active, 80 male patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into 4 equal groups. Prostate volu-me of the three groups, respectively under 100 cc TUR-P monopolar, bipolar TURP, KTP (gre-en light) laser vaporization of the prostate volu-me 100 cc’s the fourth group on the transvesical prostatectomy (TVP) was performed. Preopera-tive and postoperative IPSS, quality of life (QoL) score and IIEF-15 values   are compared.

Results: The mean age of the 80 patients par-ticipating in our study, 63.4 ± 6.4, 81.17 ± 30.5 cc prostate volume, IPSS symptom score was 26 ± 4.2, quality of life (QoL) scores were found to be 5 ± 0.9. IPSS score in the postoperative period, 7.14 ± 3.26 to 1.37 ± 0.59 and QoL is ‘showed a decreased (p <0.01). All groups were considered, erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, libido, overall satisfaction levels of preoperative 21.39 ± 4.26 to 20.53 ± 5.53, respectively, to postoperati-ve, 9.96 ± 2.57 to 9.36 ± 3 , 44, 7.00 ± 1.29 to 7.11 ± 1.55, 7.19 ± 1.30 to 6.73 ± 2.19 and that they were not affected operations. Orgasmic function in terms of the values   of all patients postoperati-vely compared with preoperative values, a statis-tically significant decrease (p <0.01).

Conclusion: According to IIEF-15 except for the evaluation orgasmic function, sexual functi-on parameters monopolar TUR-P / bipolar, Gre enlight laser vaporization and affected than transvesical prostatec-tomy.

Key Words: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Monopolar, Bipolar, Greenlight, Sexual Function.


Objective: The effects of surgical techniques which used in BPH treatment by IIEF-15 query form on sexual function was investigated.

Materials and Methods: The study was Ja-nuary 2008 - June 2011 between BPH diagno-sed between the ages of 50-75, sexually active, 80 male patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into 4 equal groups. Prostate volu-me of the three groups, respectively under 100 cc TUR-P monopolar, bipolar TURP, KTP (gre-en light) laser vaporization of the prostate volu-me 100 cc’s the fourth group on the transvesical prostatectomy (TVP) was performed. Preopera-tive and postoperative IPSS, quality of life (QoL) score and IIEF-15 values   are compared.

Results: The mean age of the 80 patients par-ticipating in our study, 63.4 ± 6.4, 81.17 ± 30.5 cc prostate volume, IPSS symptom score was 26 ± 4.2, quality of life (QoL) scores were found to be 5 ± 0.9. IPSS score in the postoperative period, 7.14 ± 3.26 to 1.37 ± 0.59 and QoL is ‘showed a decreased (p <0.01). All groups were considered, erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, libido, overall satisfaction levels of preoperative 21.39 ± 4.26 to 20.53 ± 5.53, respectively, to postoperati-ve, 9.96 ± 2.57 to 9.36 ± 3 , 44, 7.00 ± 1.29 to 7.11 ± 1.55, 7.19 ± 1.30 to 6.73 ± 2.19 and that they were not affected operations. Orgasmic function in terms of the values   of all patients postoperati-vely compared with preoperative values, a statis-tically significant decrease (p <0.01).

Conclusion: According to IIEF-15 except for the evaluation orgasmic function, sexual functi-on parameters monopolar TUR-P / bipolar, Gre enlight laser vaporization and affected than transvesical prostatec-tomy.

Key Words: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Monopolar, Bipolar, Greenlight, Sexual Function.