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  • Urethral foreign body; pencil shaped silicone rod: A case report

Case Report

Urethral foreign body; pencil shaped silicone rod: A case report

İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği

2016; 11 (3): 50-51


Urethral insertion of foreign bodies is an un-common condition. Usually, these foreign bodies were self inserted for autoeroticism, frequently in patients with psychiatric disorders. Foreign  bodi-es located distal to the urogenital diaphragm can often be successfully extracted by  endoscopic met-hods. Occasionally, more invasive foreign body extraction procedures are  required – external urethrotomy (for pendulous urethral foreign bodi-es), suprapubic  cystotomy  (for posterior urethral foreign bodies), or meatotomy. We represented a male patient who inserted a pencil shaped silicone rod by himself into the urethra and treated with external urethrotomy operation.

Key Words:  external urethrotomy, urethra, foreign body


Urethral insertion of foreign bodies is an un-common condition. Usually, these foreign bodies were self inserted for autoeroticism, frequently in patients with psychiatric disorders. Foreign  bodi-es located distal to the urogenital diaphragm can often be successfully extracted by  endoscopic met-hods. Occasionally, more invasive foreign body extraction procedures are  required – external urethrotomy (for pendulous urethral foreign bodi-es), suprapubic  cystotomy  (for posterior urethral foreign bodies), or meatotomy. We represented a male patient who inserted a pencil shaped silicone rod by himself into the urethra and treated with external urethrotomy operation.

Key Words:  external urethrotomy, urethra, foreign body
