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Urinary Microbiome

SBÜ Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, Ankara

DOI : 10.33719/yud.531649
New J Urol. 2019; 14 (1): 65-70


The urinary system is thought to be ste- rile for many years, has come to an end with recent studies that may actually have a flora like intestines and skin. As a result of studies on the presence of microbiota in the urinary system, it is questioned whether probiotics and prebiotics can be used in the treatment of some urological diseases. In this review we ai- med to evaluate the relations between urinary microbiome and the diseases.

Keywords: Probiotics, prebiotics, urinary microbiome


The urinary system is thought to be ste- rile for many years, has come to an end with recent studies that may actually have a flora like intestines and skin. As a result of studies on the presence of microbiota in the urinary system, it is questioned whether probiotics and prebiotics can be used in the treatment of some urological diseases. In this review we ai- med to evaluate the relations between urinary microbiome and the diseases.

Keywords: Probiotics, prebiotics, urinary microbiome