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  • A rare cause of hematuria, intravesical ectopic pregnancy; case report

Case Report

A rare cause of hematuria, intravesical ectopic pregnancy; case report

1. Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital, Department of Urology, Şanlıurfa, Turkey

2. Harran University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Şanlıurfa, Turkey

3. Harran University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, Şanlıurfa, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2022;17-3-1058394
New J Urol. 2022;17(3):196-199


Intravesical ectopic pregnancy is a very rare condition. Unlike traditional ectopic pregnancies, patients generally present with hematuria.
Our case presented with abdominal pain and urinary bleeding. Abdominal tenderness was observed on physical examination. The ß-HCG was measured as 10033 IU / ml. In ultrasonography, an appearance compatible with a vesicouterine fistula tract and an ectopic gestational sac in the bladder were observed. In cystoscopy, a mass compatible with a fistula tract ostium and ectopic gestational sac was observed at the junction of the right side of the bladder and the posterior wall. The observed structure was resected and cauterized to achieve hemostasis. No complications were observed during the follow-up, and the patient was discharged.
Ectopic pregnancy should be one of the differential diagnosis of patients with a history of pelvic surgery who present with complaints of menstrual delay and hematuria.

Keywords: vesical pregnancy, vesicouterine fistula, hematuria


Intravesical ectopic pregnancy is a very rare condition. Unlike traditional ectopic pregnancies, patients generally present with hematuria.
Our case presented with abdominal pain and urinary bleeding. Abdominal tenderness was observed on physical examination. The ß-HCG was measured as 10033 IU / ml. In ultrasonography, an appearance compatible with a vesicouterine fistula tract and an ectopic gestational sac in the bladder were observed. In cystoscopy, a mass compatible with a fistula tract ostium and ectopic gestational sac was observed at the junction of the right side of the bladder and the posterior wall. The observed structure was resected and cauterized to achieve hemostasis. No complications were observed during the follow-up, and the patient was discharged.
Ectopic pregnancy should be one of the differential diagnosis of patients with a history of pelvic surgery who present with complaints of menstrual delay and hematuria.

Keywords: vesical pregnancy, vesicouterine fistula, hematuria
