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  • Association of body mass index with the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery

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Association of body mass index with the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery

1  Bozok University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Urology, Yozgat, Turkey
2 Medeniyet University, Göztepe Training And Research Hospital, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey
3 Avcılar State Hospital, Department Of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey
4 Kütahya Dumlupinar University, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Urology, Kutahya, Turkey
5 Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Urology,  Ankara, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2021;16-2-806918
New J Urol. 2021;16(2): 124-130