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Original Article


1 Bingöl Devlet Hastanesi

New J Urol. 2011; 6 (1): 22-25


Introduction: Circumcision is a surgical procedure that re-moves the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans (rounded tip) of the penis. Circumcision may be performed for religious or cultural reasons or for health reasons and is considered as the most frequent surgical operation worldwide. In our study we investigated the traditional and medical aspects of circumcision carried out at the Bingöl Province (Turkey).

Material and Method: Approximately 501 male patients who were circumcised at a age below 21, residing at the vicinities of Bingöl Province in Turkey and  who  randomly referred to our out-patient clinic were enrolled into the study. Questions related with their age of circumcision, early and delayed complications, and the person who performed the circumcision and the type of anesthe-sia used during the procedure were asked to entire patients. All patients were examined to determine the presence of a late term complication.

Findings: The mean age of patients was calculated as 11.2 ± 5.1 years old. The mean age of a circumcision operation was calculated as 6.2 ± 3.8 years old. According to the site of circumcision surgery, 193 (38.5%) of the patients were circumcised at their homes, 134 (26.8%) at the hospital and 22 (4.4%) at healthcare centers, while 152 (30.3%) were circumcised during collective circumcision cer-emonies. Nearly 369 (73.7%) of the patients who participated to the questionnaire admitted that they were circumcised by unqualified circumcisers and only 59 (11.8%) of the patients were circumcised by specialist doctors.

Result: Circumcision can be considered as a safe procedure, if it is performed by a trained and experienced practitioner, in an operation room condition, using a strict aseptic (sterile) technique, and according to surgical principles. A substantial level of sensitiv-ity and significant care must be provided to avoid severe complica-tions such as penile amputation.

Keywords: Circumcision, complications related with circumci-sion, phimosis


Introduction: Circumcision is a surgical procedure that re-moves the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans (rounded tip) of the penis. Circumcision may be performed for religious or cultural reasons or for health reasons and is considered as the most frequent surgical operation worldwide. In our study we investigated the traditional and medical aspects of circumcision carried out at the Bingöl Province (Turkey).

Material and Method: Approximately 501 male patients who were circumcised at a age below 21, residing at the vicinities of Bingöl Province in Turkey and  who  randomly referred to our out-patient clinic were enrolled into the study. Questions related with their age of circumcision, early and delayed complications, and the person who performed the circumcision and the type of anesthe-sia used during the procedure were asked to entire patients. All patients were examined to determine the presence of a late term complication.

Findings: The mean age of patients was calculated as 11.2 ± 5.1 years old. The mean age of a circumcision operation was calculated as 6.2 ± 3.8 years old. According to the site of circumcision surgery, 193 (38.5%) of the patients were circumcised at their homes, 134 (26.8%) at the hospital and 22 (4.4%) at healthcare centers, while 152 (30.3%) were circumcised during collective circumcision cer-emonies. Nearly 369 (73.7%) of the patients who participated to the questionnaire admitted that they were circumcised by unqualified circumcisers and only 59 (11.8%) of the patients were circumcised by specialist doctors.

Result: Circumcision can be considered as a safe procedure, if it is performed by a trained and experienced practitioner, in an operation room condition, using a strict aseptic (sterile) technique, and according to surgical principles. A substantial level of sensitiv-ity and significant care must be provided to avoid severe complica-tions such as penile amputation.

Keywords: Circumcision, complications related with circumci-sion, phimosis
