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Bladder cancer and RAS proto-oncogenes

1Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Biyoloji A.B.D

2Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji A.B.D

2012; 7 (1): 55-58


Objective: We aimed to investigate whether there is a difference in anxiety between the fam-ilies of children who have circumcised with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. 

Materials and Methods: The families of un-circumcised male patients were evaluated just before the circumcision operation between No-vember 2019 and March 2020. The patient’s family chose a form of anesthesia freely. Hospital anxiety and depression scales were filled by the mothers of the patients on the morning of the operation. Child’s age, maternal age, maternal profession, maternal educational status and how many chil-dren of the same family have circumcision were recorded. SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the data. The significance limit of p value was accepted as <0.05 

Results: 108 patients were operated under local anesthesia and 69 patients were operated un-der general anesthesia. There was no difference be-tween anesthesia types, child ages, maternal ages, maternal professions, maternal education, mater-nal experience in terms of anxiety(p = 0.26;0.227;0 .875;0.592;0.485;0.508 respectively).  The mean depression scores of the mothers of circumcised children performed under local anesthesia were 5.08+/-3.45. The mean depression scores of the mothers of circumcised children with general anesthesia were 5.89+/-3.49. There was no significant difference between anesthesia types, child ages, maternal ages, maternal experience (p = 0.130;0.777;0.696;0.460). Depression scores were higher in housewives than working woman(p <0.001). Also, depression scores were higher in low educated mothers than high educated mothers (p=0.002) 

Conclusion: Circumcision is one of the daily surgeries that does not cause serious anxiety in families and can be performed under local anesthesia. 

Keywords: General anesthesia, local anesthesia, parental anxiety


Objective: We aimed to investigate whether there is a difference in anxiety between the fam-ilies of children who have circumcised with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. 

Materials and Methods: The families of un-circumcised male patients were evaluated just before the circumcision operation between No-vember 2019 and March 2020. The patient’s family chose a form of anesthesia freely. Hospital anxiety and depression scales were filled by the mothers of the patients on the morning of the operation. Child’s age, maternal age, maternal profession, maternal educational status and how many chil-dren of the same family have circumcision were recorded. SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the data. The significance limit of p value was accepted as <0.05 

Results: 108 patients were operated under local anesthesia and 69 patients were operated un-der general anesthesia. There was no difference be-tween anesthesia types, child ages, maternal ages, maternal professions, maternal education, mater-nal experience in terms of anxiety(p = 0.26;0.227;0 .875;0.592;0.485;0.508 respectively).  The mean depression scores of the mothers of circumcised children performed under local anesthesia were 5.08+/-3.45. The mean depression scores of the mothers of circumcised children with general anesthesia were 5.89+/-3.49. There was no significant difference between anesthesia types, child ages, maternal ages, maternal experience (p = 0.130;0.777;0.696;0.460). Depression scores were higher in housewives than working woman(p <0.001). Also, depression scores were higher in low educated mothers than high educated mothers (p=0.002) 

Conclusion: Circumcision is one of the daily surgeries that does not cause serious anxiety in families and can be performed under local anesthesia. 

Keywords: General anesthesia, local anesthesia, parental anxiety
