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Rupture of the superficial dorsal vein of the penis during coitus

1 Hitit Üniversitesi Çorum Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji AD

2 SB Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıd Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (1): 40-43


Objectives: Testicular tumors make up approximately 1% of male malignant tumors. Because of the high rate of success in testi-cular tumors, mortality rates are very low. In our study, it is aimed to evaluatehistopatho-logical results of the patients who had radical orchiectomy with prediagnosis of testicular tumor and treatments with oncologic outco-mes for about 13 years.

Material and Methods: Our study inc-ludes 138 patients with at least 12 months follow up on regular basis from 152 patients who had radical orchiectomy due to testicu-lar mass between 2002 and 2015. The age of diagnosis of the patient, mass sizes, histo-pathological data, treatments, follow up and survival status were assessed retrospectively.

Results: The average follow-up period was 80.7 months (16-166 months) in our study.  In the analysis of 138 patients, it was seen seminomatous germ cell tumors (GCT) in 73 cases (52.9%), non- seminomatous GCT in 59 cases (42.7%)  and sex cord stro-mal tumors in 3 cases (2.2%) and  lymphoma in 3 cases (2.2%). During follow-up, recur-rence was observed in 17 (13%) patients, di-sease-related death was occurred in 6 (4.7%) patients. Overall oncological success rate was 95.7%.

Conclusion: Guide recommendations for treatment of testicular tumors are cons-tantly updated. In our study, we also achie-ved an oncologic success consistent with the literature by updating treatment protocols according to changing guideline recommen-dations.

Keywords: Testis, germ cell tumor, non-germ cell tumor


Objectives: Testicular tumors make up approximately 1% of male malignant tumors. Because of the high rate of success in testi-cular tumors, mortality rates are very low. In our study, it is aimed to evaluatehistopatho-logical results of the patients who had radical orchiectomy with prediagnosis of testicular tumor and treatments with oncologic outco-mes for about 13 years.

Material and Methods: Our study inc-ludes 138 patients with at least 12 months follow up on regular basis from 152 patients who had radical orchiectomy due to testicu-lar mass between 2002 and 2015. The age of diagnosis of the patient, mass sizes, histo-pathological data, treatments, follow up and survival status were assessed retrospectively.

Results: The average follow-up period was 80.7 months (16-166 months) in our study.  In the analysis of 138 patients, it was seen seminomatous germ cell tumors (GCT) in 73 cases (52.9%), non- seminomatous GCT in 59 cases (42.7%)  and sex cord stro-mal tumors in 3 cases (2.2%) and  lymphoma in 3 cases (2.2%). During follow-up, recur-rence was observed in 17 (13%) patients, di-sease-related death was occurred in 6 (4.7%) patients. Overall oncological success rate was 95.7%.

Conclusion: Guide recommendations for treatment of testicular tumors are cons-tantly updated. In our study, we also achie-ved an oncologic success consistent with the literature by updating treatment protocols according to changing guideline recommen-dations.

Keywords: Testis, germ cell tumor, non-germ cell tumor