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Case Report

Early period penile prosthesis ımplantation in a refractory priapism case which conservative treatments and distal shunt surgery were unsuccessful

Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Üroloji A.D.

New J Urol. 2012; 7 (3): 47-49


Priapism, one of the urgent conditions in the practice of urology, is defined as a persistent and painful erection independent of sexual desire and intercourse. In case of ischaemic priapism, emergency treatment should be done in 6-8 hours. Conservative treatments (ejeculation, aspiration, injection of alpha agonist and terbutaline) should first be tried, if erection time is over 24 hours, alternative procedurs like shunt surgery should be applied. Early period penile prosthesis implantation in a refractory priapism case which conservative treatments and distal shunt surgery were unsuccessful had been presented.

Key Words: Priapism, distal shunt, penile prosthesis


Priapism, one of the urgent conditions in the practice of urology, is defined as a persistent and painful erection independent of sexual desire and intercourse. In case of ischaemic priapism, emergency treatment should be done in 6-8 hours. Conservative treatments (ejeculation, aspiration, injection of alpha agonist and terbutaline) should first be tried, if erection time is over 24 hours, alternative procedurs like shunt surgery should be applied. Early period penile prosthesis implantation in a refractory priapism case which conservative treatments and distal shunt surgery were unsuccessful had been presented.

Key Words: Priapism, distal shunt, penile prosthesis
