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  • Efficacy of flexible ureterorenoscopy in the upper urinary tract stones according to stone size

Original Research

Efficacy of flexible ureterorenoscopy in the upper urinary tract stones according to stone size

1 Karabük Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi  Üroloji ABD, Karabük

2 Gazi Üniversitesi  Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji ABD, Ankara

3 Orhangazi Devlet Hastanesi Üroloji, Bursa

2016; 11 (3): 20-27


Aim: The results of retrograde intrarenal surgery in 280 cases according to stone size were retrospectively evaluated.

Material and Methods: Between September 2014 and February 2016, flexible ureterorenos-copy was performed in 280 cases with upper urinary tract stone disease. Stone or stones were fragmented until smaller than 3 mm under visi-on.  Larger than 3 mm stones were accepted as the clinical significance residual stones.

Results: Stone treatment with flexible ure-terorenoscopy was performed in 197 male and 83 female patients. Median age was 45.8 years and median stone size was 16.9 mm (7- 40mm) . Median operation time was 47.6 min (30-90 min). Double J stent was placed in 212 patient (75.7%) after the operation while 68 patients (24.2%) who has a very short operation time, without residual stone and ureteral damage was not placed. Ureteral access sheath was inserted at first procedure in 256 patient, 17 patient was in-serted after the 3 week double J stent period. 229 (81.7%) patient stones were fragmented at first procedure but 51 (18.2%) patient had seconder procedure for residual stones.  Severe bleeding did not occur during flexible ureterorenoscopy. In one patient developed ureteral injury inser-ting double J stent was unsuccesfully and was converted to open surgery.

Conclusion: Flexible ureterorenoscopy is ef-fective and reliable surgical procedure with high stone free rates and low morbidity in upper uri-nary system stone treatment.

Key Words: urolithiasis, retrograde intrare-nal surgery, flexible ureterorenoscopy


Aim: The results of retrograde intrarenal surgery in 280 cases according to stone size were retrospectively evaluated.

Material and Methods: Between September 2014 and February 2016, flexible ureterorenos-copy was performed in 280 cases with upper urinary tract stone disease. Stone or stones were fragmented until smaller than 3 mm under visi-on.  Larger than 3 mm stones were accepted as the clinical significance residual stones.

Results: Stone treatment with flexible ure-terorenoscopy was performed in 197 male and 83 female patients. Median age was 45.8 years and median stone size was 16.9 mm (7- 40mm) . Median operation time was 47.6 min (30-90 min). Double J stent was placed in 212 patient (75.7%) after the operation while 68 patients (24.2%) who has a very short operation time, without residual stone and ureteral damage was not placed. Ureteral access sheath was inserted at first procedure in 256 patient, 17 patient was in-serted after the 3 week double J stent period. 229 (81.7%) patient stones were fragmented at first procedure but 51 (18.2%) patient had seconder procedure for residual stones.  Severe bleeding did not occur during flexible ureterorenoscopy. In one patient developed ureteral injury inser-ting double J stent was unsuccesfully and was converted to open surgery.

Conclusion: Flexible ureterorenoscopy is ef-fective and reliable surgical procedure with high stone free rates and low morbidity in upper uri-nary system stone treatment.

Key Words: urolithiasis, retrograde intrare-nal surgery, flexible ureterorenoscopy
