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  • Endocrine functions and spermatogenesis in patients with non-treated unilateral inguinal testis

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Endocrine functions and spermatogenesis in patients with non-treated unilateral inguinal testis

1 Çanakkale Asker Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği
2 Çanakkale Asker Hastanesi Biyokimya Kliniği
3 Çanakkale Asker Hastanesi Radyoloji Kliniği

New J Urol. 2014; 9 (3): 06-09


Objective: To analyze status of endocrine functions and spermatogenesis in adult patients with non-treated unilateral inguinal testis.

Material and Methods: A total of 14 adult men with unilateral testis were studied. We eva-luated sperm quality (n=8) and total testostero-ne, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone levels (n=11) retrospectivly.

Results: Mean age was 21.92 ± 2.23 years. Ascending testis at 9 years old was reported in one patient and non successful orchiopexy at 5 years old was reported in one patient. Ot-her patients that studied were primary cases. Nine of the cases were right sided and five were left. Mean total testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone le-vels were  4.42±1.24 ng/ml;7.56±4.1mIU/ml; 8.59±6.68mIU/ml . Azoospermia was obser-ved in only one patient. Mean sperm volume was 1.93±1.2ml, mean of sperm concentration was 53.8±41.3 sperm/mL (x106), mean percent of normal sperm morphology was 78.1±17.1% and  mean percent of rapid  and slow progressi-ve motility (a + b) was 41.4±24.2%.

Conclusions: There were abnormality in sperm quality in patients with unilateral ingu-inal testis and normal contralateral testis.

Key Words: cryptorchidism, inguinal, uni-lateral, sperm


Objective: To analyze status of endocrine functions and spermatogenesis in adult patients with non-treated unilateral inguinal testis.

Material and Methods: A total of 14 adult men with unilateral testis were studied. We eva-luated sperm quality (n=8) and total testostero-ne, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone levels (n=11) retrospectivly.

Results: Mean age was 21.92 ± 2.23 years. Ascending testis at 9 years old was reported in one patient and non successful orchiopexy at 5 years old was reported in one patient. Ot-her patients that studied were primary cases. Nine of the cases were right sided and five were left. Mean total testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormone le-vels were  4.42±1.24 ng/ml;7.56±4.1mIU/ml; 8.59±6.68mIU/ml . Azoospermia was obser-ved in only one patient. Mean sperm volume was 1.93±1.2ml, mean of sperm concentration was 53.8±41.3 sperm/mL (x106), mean percent of normal sperm morphology was 78.1±17.1% and  mean percent of rapid  and slow progressi-ve motility (a + b) was 41.4±24.2%.

Conclusions: There were abnormality in sperm quality in patients with unilateral ingu-inal testis and normal contralateral testis.

Key Words: cryptorchidism, inguinal, uni-lateral, sperm
