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Original Research

Effectivenes of retrograd intrarenal surgery at stones of calix diverticulum

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (3): 26-28


Objective: It is clearly know that lower uri- nary tract symptoms (LUTS) are not solely as- sociated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Any process that can cause structural or functional changes in the bladder might also be related with the development of LUTS. Nevertheless, the exact mechanisms causing LUTS have not clearly been defined yet. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the impact of aging on detrusor functions using organ bath

Material and Methods: Rats were divided into two groups as young and old. The first group consited of 10 rats with 6 monts of age, while the second group contained 10 rats with 24 months of age. The isolated detrusor strips were placed in the organ bath containing Krebs -Heinseleit solu- tion. Ach (Acetylcholine) and KCl were utilized to study contraction. The response to same agents were obtained with the addition of L-NAME (Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester). Relaxation function was compared between these groups by using phenilefrine and SNP (Sodium nitroprucci- de). Student’s t test was used to assess the statistical significance.

Results: The contraction response to Ach with high concentrations was significantly power- ful in young rats with compare to old rats. A si- milar significant response was observed in young rats when L-NAME was added to Ach. However, no significant difference was seen when KCl was applied. On the other hand, the old rats showed a significant relaxation response when low con- centrations of phenilefrine and SNP were utilized in muscles that had been concracted by Ach. Mo- reover, when the muscles had been concracted by KCl, a significantly higher relaxation was noticed by using low concentrations of SNP and high con- centrations of phenilefrine in old rats with compa- re to young rats.

Couclusion: In this experimental study of aging bladder, a re- markable difference in bladder functions was observed between young and old rats in terms of responding various agents by using organ bath. This finding suggets a possible alteration in receptor properties of the bladder aging. Therefore, it can be postulated that aging may cause alterations in bladder functions which in turn may be associated with development of LUTS.

Keywords: Aging, bladder, rat, organ bath


Objective: It is clearly know that lower uri- nary tract symptoms (LUTS) are not solely as- sociated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Any process that can cause structural or functional changes in the bladder might also be related with the development of LUTS. Nevertheless, the exact mechanisms causing LUTS have not clearly been defined yet. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the impact of aging on detrusor functions using organ bath

Material and Methods: Rats were divided into two groups as young and old. The first group consited of 10 rats with 6 monts of age, while the second group contained 10 rats with 24 months of age. The isolated detrusor strips were placed in the organ bath containing Krebs -Heinseleit solu- tion. Ach (Acetylcholine) and KCl were utilized to study contraction. The response to same agents were obtained with the addition of L-NAME (Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester). Relaxation function was compared between these groups by using phenilefrine and SNP (Sodium nitroprucci- de). Student’s t test was used to assess the statistical significance.

Results: The contraction response to Ach with high concentrations was significantly power- ful in young rats with compare to old rats. A si- milar significant response was observed in young rats when L-NAME was added to Ach. However, no significant difference was seen when KCl was applied. On the other hand, the old rats showed a significant relaxation response when low con- centrations of phenilefrine and SNP were utilized in muscles that had been concracted by Ach. Mo- reover, when the muscles had been concracted by KCl, a significantly higher relaxation was noticed by using low concentrations of SNP and high con- centrations of phenilefrine in old rats with compa- re to young rats.

Couclusion: In this experimental study of aging bladder, a re- markable difference in bladder functions was observed between young and old rats in terms of responding various agents by using organ bath. This finding suggets a possible alteration in receptor properties of the bladder aging. Therefore, it can be postulated that aging may cause alterations in bladder functions which in turn may be associated with development of LUTS.

Keywords: Aging, bladder, rat, organ bath
