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  • Evaluation of overactive bladder symptoms with OAB-V8 form in obese patients

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Evaluation of overactive bladder symptoms with OAB-V8 form in obese patients

1 Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Aile Hekimliği Kliniği, Obezite Polikliniği, İzmir

2  Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği, İzmir

3 Aile Hekimliği Kliniği Eğitim ve İdari Sorumlusu; Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Aile Hekimliği Kliniği, İzmir

New J Urol. 2013; 8 (3): 6-11


Objective: Overactive bladder (OAB); It is characterized as urinary urgency, with or without urinary incontinence, usually with fre-quency and nocturia, in absence of causative in-fection or similar pathological conditions. OAB is an illness that significantly affects the quality and comfort of life. The quality of life gradually deteriorates at OAB cases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the OAB symptoms of patients ap-plied to obesity polyclinics.       

Materials and Methods: This study was performed on the patients applied to our hos-pital’s obesity polyclinics between the dates January 2013 and February 2013. The patients having illnesses that lead lower urinary tract symptoms such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary system infection, urolithiasis and the patients having neurological illnesses or diabet-ics that lead incontinence and the patients tak-ing diuretic medication because of their hyper-tension were excluded from the study.  

Turkish version of OAB-V8 evaluation form was applied to 92 patients who have vol-untarily participated to the study. The ones hav-ing 8 or higher total evaluation scores were ac-cepted as OAB syndrome.

Results: The average age of a total of 92 patients [86 female (93%) and 6 male (6.5%)] included to the study was 43,43+10,57 (min:21-max:69). The average weight, waist circum-ference and body mass index of the patients were calculated as 92,32+18,55 kg (min:61-max:148), 113,12+13,09 cm (min:87-max:147) and 35,49+5,70 (min:26-max:51) respectively. The OAB-V8 scores of the patients were ranging between 0 and 40 and the average was calculated as 8,59+8,65 points. OAB-V8 scores were higher than 8 at a total of 37 (40,2%) patients.  The most complaint of the patients was determined as nocturia. While a significant statistical correlation was found be-tween the age, weight, weist circumference and OAB-V8 scores (p:0,003, p:0,041, p:0,049 respectively), there was no statistically significant correlation between OAB-V8 scores and body mass in-dex (p:0,062).

Conclusion: OAB symptoms are common at obese patients. Therefore, the examination and treatment of OAB symptoms of obese patients applied to obesity, endocrinology, family practice polyclinics and primary care health institutions is essential.

Key Words: Overactive bladder, incontinence, obesity.


Objective: Overactive bladder (OAB); It is characterized as urinary urgency, with or without urinary incontinence, usually with fre-quency and nocturia, in absence of causative in-fection or similar pathological conditions. OAB is an illness that significantly affects the quality and comfort of life. The quality of life gradually deteriorates at OAB cases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the OAB symptoms of patients ap-plied to obesity polyclinics.       

Materials and Methods: This study was performed on the patients applied to our hos-pital’s obesity polyclinics between the dates January 2013 and February 2013. The patients having illnesses that lead lower urinary tract symptoms such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary system infection, urolithiasis and the patients having neurological illnesses or diabet-ics that lead incontinence and the patients tak-ing diuretic medication because of their hyper-tension were excluded from the study.  

Turkish version of OAB-V8 evaluation form was applied to 92 patients who have vol-untarily participated to the study. The ones hav-ing 8 or higher total evaluation scores were ac-cepted as OAB syndrome.

Results: The average age of a total of 92 patients [86 female (93%) and 6 male (6.5%)] included to the study was 43,43+10,57 (min:21-max:69). The average weight, waist circum-ference and body mass index of the patients were calculated as 92,32+18,55 kg (min:61-max:148), 113,12+13,09 cm (min:87-max:147) and 35,49+5,70 (min:26-max:51) respectively. The OAB-V8 scores of the patients were ranging between 0 and 40 and the average was calculated as 8,59+8,65 points. OAB-V8 scores were higher than 8 at a total of 37 (40,2%) patients.  The most complaint of the patients was determined as nocturia. While a significant statistical correlation was found be-tween the age, weight, weist circumference and OAB-V8 scores (p:0,003, p:0,041, p:0,049 respectively), there was no statistically significant correlation between OAB-V8 scores and body mass in-dex (p:0,062).

Conclusion: OAB symptoms are common at obese patients. Therefore, the examination and treatment of OAB symptoms of obese patients applied to obesity, endocrinology, family practice polyclinics and primary care health institutions is essential.

Key Words: Overactive bladder, incontinence, obesity.
