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  • Female urethral diverticulum: 2 case reports

Case Report

Female urethral diverticulum: 2 case reports

1 Ankara Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hematoloji Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Çocuk Ürolojisi Kliniği, Ankara

2 İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2.Üroloji Kliniği, İzmir

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (1): 45-48


Female urethral diverticulum is rarely seen pathologic entity and diagnosis of urethral di-verticulum in female patients is often delayed or missed. Associated with distressing and chronic symptoms involving the lower urinary tract. The classic presentation of urethral diverticulum has been described as dysuria, dyspareunia, dribb-ling, difficult urination and vaginal mass. In case of clinical suspicion combined with thorough physical examination and radiological investiga-tions helps for diagnose.

 In this article, two cases of 38 and 26 ye-ars old women are presented. They had same symptoms with sense of residual urine, dysu-ria, recurrent urinary tract infection, cystism, dyspareunia and vaginal mass.  Diagnosis were performed by radiological images (vaginal ultra-sound, uretrography) and physical examination. Under general anesthesia the diverticulum was extracted transvaginal way. Surgical management was accomplished vaginally without significant urethral disruption. Urinary drainage was achi-eved with cystofix for ten days. No complication developed and all the symptoms dissappeared completely postoperatively.

Key Words: diverticulum, female, urethra, diagnosis, treatment.


Female urethral diverticulum is rarely seen pathologic entity and diagnosis of urethral di-verticulum in female patients is often delayed or missed. Associated with distressing and chronic symptoms involving the lower urinary tract. The classic presentation of urethral diverticulum has been described as dysuria, dyspareunia, dribb-ling, difficult urination and vaginal mass. In case of clinical suspicion combined with thorough physical examination and radiological investiga-tions helps for diagnose.

 In this article, two cases of 38 and 26 ye-ars old women are presented. They had same symptoms with sense of residual urine, dysu-ria, recurrent urinary tract infection, cystism, dyspareunia and vaginal mass.  Diagnosis were performed by radiological images (vaginal ultra-sound, uretrography) and physical examination. Under general anesthesia the diverticulum was extracted transvaginal way. Surgical management was accomplished vaginally without significant urethral disruption. Urinary drainage was achi-eved with cystofix for ten days. No complication developed and all the symptoms dissappeared completely postoperatively.

Key Words: diverticulum, female, urethra, diagnosis, treatment.
