eISSN: 3023-6940
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  • Hematocolpos associated with imperforate hymen mimicking glob vesicale

Original Research

Hematocolpos associated with imperforate hymen mimicking glob vesicale

1 Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Bölümü, İstanbul, Türkiye

2 İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye

2016; 11 (2): 52-53


Acute urinary retention is  a rare condition in child and adolescents. Neurological disorders, urinary tract infections, congenital anomalies, ad-verse drug affect and also obstructive pathologies such urethra stenosis and supression of urethra by adjacent organs may associated with acute urinary retention. Additionally, massive hemotocolpos lead misdiagnose as glob vesicale in radiologic imaging. In this paper, we present 14 years-old girl with hematocolpos -due to imperforate hymen- mimicking globe vesicale.

Keywords: Hematocolpos, Imperforate Hymen, Glob Vesicale


Acute urinary retention is  a rare condition in child and adolescents. Neurological disorders, urinary tract infections, congenital anomalies, ad-verse drug affect and also obstructive pathologies such urethra stenosis and supression of urethra by adjacent organs may associated with acute urinary retention. Additionally, massive hemotocolpos lead misdiagnose as glob vesicale in radiologic imaging. In this paper, we present 14 years-old girl with hematocolpos -due to imperforate hymen- mimicking globe vesicale.

Keywords: Hematocolpos, Imperforate Hymen, Glob Vesicale
