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Hydrogen use in urological disease models

Hydrogen use in urological disease models

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (2): 68-73


Ischemia-reperfusion injury in tissues lea-ving temporary or permanent damage patients’ health is closely related to the clinical situation. Free oxygen radicals plays an important role in the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Hydroxyl ion is the most powerful free radical. Reducing hydrogen and hydroxyl ions selectively and with different tissue protective mechanisms makes preventive effect on ischa-emia-reperfusion injury. Today, hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that is done much research on the tissue protective effect. This study evalua-ted the clinical reflection of hydrogen is used in urologic diseases and their effects on the future were discussed.

Key Words: Antioxidant, Hydrogen, Uro-logy


Ischemia-reperfusion injury in tissues lea-ving temporary or permanent damage patients’ health is closely related to the clinical situation. Free oxygen radicals plays an important role in the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Hydroxyl ion is the most powerful free radical. Reducing hydrogen and hydroxyl ions selectively and with different tissue protective mechanisms makes preventive effect on ischa-emia-reperfusion injury. Today, hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant that is done much research on the tissue protective effect. This study evalua-ted the clinical reflection of hydrogen is used in urologic diseases and their effects on the future were discussed.

Key Words: Antioxidant, Hydrogen, Uro-logy
