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  • Long term metachronous testicular tumor: A case report

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Long term metachronous testicular tumor: A case report

1 İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği 
2 İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi  Patoloji  Kliniği

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (2): 56-58


The incidence of developing testicular cancer is % 0.2 during the entire life span.  90-95% of testiculer tumors stem from ger-minal tissue. The testicular germ cell tumors are classified as pure seminoma germ cell tumors and nonseminomatous germ cell tu-mors. The incidence rate of bilateral is 1-4%. Seminoma is the most common germ cell tumor among bilateral testicular cancer. But the most common bilateral tumor is malig-nant lymphoma. Today radical orchiectomy is considered standart therapy for testiculer tumors. We presented a case with metachro-nous testiculer tumor whose first pathologic evaluation was reported as seminoma and se-cond one was reported as nonseminomatous germ cell tumor.

Keywords: testicular tumor, bilateral, metachron


The incidence of developing testicular cancer is % 0.2 during the entire life span.  90-95% of testiculer tumors stem from ger-minal tissue. The testicular germ cell tumors are classified as pure seminoma germ cell tumors and nonseminomatous germ cell tu-mors. The incidence rate of bilateral is 1-4%. Seminoma is the most common germ cell tumor among bilateral testicular cancer. But the most common bilateral tumor is malig-nant lymphoma. Today radical orchiectomy is considered standart therapy for testiculer tumors. We presented a case with metachro-nous testiculer tumor whose first pathologic evaluation was reported as seminoma and se-cond one was reported as nonseminomatous germ cell tumor.

Keywords: testicular tumor, bilateral, metachron
