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NMP-22 bladder check test as a clinical diagnostic marker for bladder tumors

Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Üroloji A.D.

2012; 7 (1): 6-10


Objectives: In this study, the effect of NMP-22 check test on the diagnosis and progress of primary bladder tumors was evaluated.

Material and Methods: A total of 132 patients ranging in age from 49 to 90 years (mean age 62.2 years) were included to the study. Group 1 (n=66) subjects were the patients who admitted to the uro-logy outpatient clinic with macroscopic hematuria, cystitism  and/or prostatism symptoms highly suggestive of bladder tumor. Gro-up 2 (n=66) patients, were subjects in whom bladder tumor was de-tected via imaging methods and whose bladder tumor was seen du-ring the cystoscopic examination. NMP-22 bladder check test was performed both groups’ urine samples for test’s sensitivity, specifity and positive-negative predictive value. Also determined bladder tu-mor in both groups; tumor grades, stages, size, macroskobic appea-rance belonging to bladder cancer detected patients were compared with the outcomes of NMP22 Bladder Check Test.

Results: NMP-22 Bladder Check Test’s sensitivity, specifity, po-sitive predictive value, negative predictive value are determined %67.6, % 86.6, %85.7 and  %69.7 respectively. Except the relation between tumor grade and positive results of the test, there were not any statistically significant difference between the other parameters.

Conclusion: It was seen that, NMP-22 Bladder Check Test co-uld not be an alternative to cystoscopy and bladder biopsy, in the diagnosis of primary bladder tumor. However, progress of selected patient groups, it can be used  to determine the frequency of cystos-copy.

Key Words: Bladder Tumor, NMP-22 Bladder Check Test, Sen-sitivity and  Specifity



Objectives: In this study, the effect of NMP-22 check test on the diagnosis and progress of primary bladder tumors was evaluated.

Material and Methods: A total of 132 patients ranging in age from 49 to 90 years (mean age 62.2 years) were included to the study. Group 1 (n=66) subjects were the patients who admitted to the uro-logy outpatient clinic with macroscopic hematuria, cystitism  and/or prostatism symptoms highly suggestive of bladder tumor. Gro-up 2 (n=66) patients, were subjects in whom bladder tumor was de-tected via imaging methods and whose bladder tumor was seen du-ring the cystoscopic examination. NMP-22 bladder check test was performed both groups’ urine samples for test’s sensitivity, specifity and positive-negative predictive value. Also determined bladder tu-mor in both groups; tumor grades, stages, size, macroskobic appea-rance belonging to bladder cancer detected patients were compared with the outcomes of NMP22 Bladder Check Test.

Results: NMP-22 Bladder Check Test’s sensitivity, specifity, po-sitive predictive value, negative predictive value are determined %67.6, % 86.6, %85.7 and  %69.7 respectively. Except the relation between tumor grade and positive results of the test, there were not any statistically significant difference between the other parameters.

Conclusion: It was seen that, NMP-22 Bladder Check Test co-uld not be an alternative to cystoscopy and bladder biopsy, in the diagnosis of primary bladder tumor. However, progress of selected patient groups, it can be used  to determine the frequency of cystos-copy.

Key Words: Bladder Tumor, NMP-22 Bladder Check Test, Sen-sitivity and  Specifity

