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Penil fracture: Four years clinical experience

Adana Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği

2016; 11 (3): 16-19


Objective: In this study  we aim to review of etiology, pre-operative symptoms and post-operative long-term results of our operated penile fracture patients.

Material and Methods: Data of 25 patients which applied to emergency room for penile fractu-re and operated in our clinic between August 2011-2015 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were diagnosed by physical examination. Two pa-tients received preoperative urethrography because of urethrorrhagia. Nine patients were treated under general anesthesia, whereas 16 patients treated un-der spinal anesthesia.

Results: Twenty-five patients mean age were 40.84±12.7 (22-70) years old in our study. Sexual intercourse interval was 3.1±1.2/week of all pati-ents datas reviewed. We evaluated cause of penile fracture in our patients; vaginal sexual intercourse in  thirteen of patients and anal sexual intercourse in two patients totally 15 (%60) patients had penil fracture caused by sexual intercourse. Six of pati-ents (%24) had fracture when sleeping or to fall in down, three of patients (%12) had fracture ca-used by maneouver of penil tumescence and one of patient’s (%4)  fracture caused by masturbation. Three patients (%12)  of penile fracture caused by sexual intercourse  had used PDE- 5% inhibitors and other three ones (%12) had used gel .

Conclusion: Detailed pre-operative evalua-tion of penil fracture patients reached additional information such as type of sexual intercourse, pre-vious medications,  interval of sexual intercourse. The diagnosis of penil fracture can reached easily with typical medical evaluation and physical exa-mination and additional radiological tests such as urethrography need for penil fracture patients with urethrorrhagia.

Key Words: Penile fracture; penile trauma; preoperative evaluation


Objective: In this study  we aim to review of etiology, pre-operative symptoms and post-operative long-term results of our operated penile fracture patients.

Material and Methods: Data of 25 patients which applied to emergency room for penile fractu-re and operated in our clinic between August 2011-2015 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were diagnosed by physical examination. Two pa-tients received preoperative urethrography because of urethrorrhagia. Nine patients were treated under general anesthesia, whereas 16 patients treated un-der spinal anesthesia.

Results: Twenty-five patients mean age were 40.84±12.7 (22-70) years old in our study. Sexual intercourse interval was 3.1±1.2/week of all pati-ents datas reviewed. We evaluated cause of penile fracture in our patients; vaginal sexual intercourse in  thirteen of patients and anal sexual intercourse in two patients totally 15 (%60) patients had penil fracture caused by sexual intercourse. Six of pati-ents (%24) had fracture when sleeping or to fall in down, three of patients (%12) had fracture ca-used by maneouver of penil tumescence and one of patient’s (%4)  fracture caused by masturbation. Three patients (%12)  of penile fracture caused by sexual intercourse  had used PDE- 5% inhibitors and other three ones (%12) had used gel .

Conclusion: Detailed pre-operative evalua-tion of penil fracture patients reached additional information such as type of sexual intercourse, pre-vious medications,  interval of sexual intercourse. The diagnosis of penil fracture can reached easily with typical medical evaluation and physical exa-mination and additional radiological tests such as urethrography need for penil fracture patients with urethrorrhagia.

Key Words: Penile fracture; penile trauma; preoperative evaluation
