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Case Report

Periureteral unironoma secondary to trauma treatment with double J stent: A case report

Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İzmir

New J Urol. 2014; 9 (1): 67-69


Urinoma is defined as a collection of ext-ravasated urine in the perirenal or paraurete-ral space. Urinomas usually ocur secondary to obstruction or due to penetrating or blunt tra-uma leading to injuries of the urinary system. There are many different methods for treatment of urinoma. We present a case of periureteral urinoma secondary to trauma and treat with double J stent.

Key Words: Urinoma, Double J Stent, Tra-uma


Urinoma is defined as a collection of ext-ravasated urine in the perirenal or paraurete-ral space. Urinomas usually ocur secondary to obstruction or due to penetrating or blunt tra-uma leading to injuries of the urinary system. There are many different methods for treatment of urinoma. We present a case of periureteral urinoma secondary to trauma and treat with double J stent.

Key Words: Urinoma, Double J Stent, Tra-uma
