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Effect of prostate biopsies core number on correlation of needle biopsies and radical prostatectomy’s gleason score

Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (2): 06-10


Purpose: In this study, we aimed to analyze metabolic and hematologic long term effects in prostate cancer patients receiving andogen dep-rivation therapy (ADT).

Material and Methods: In last 3 years 50 patients with metastatic prostate cancer treated with LHRH agonists in our department  were retrospectively evaluated. The median age was 74.8 years. Serum levels of glucose, total choles-terol, lipoproteins (LDL, HDL) and hemogram parameters, that measured at baseline and first, second and third years after treatment, were compared. The statistical analysis in this study was performed with SPSS for Windows Version 15.0 (Inc., Chicago, IL). p<0.05 was accepted as significant. 

Results: Even though Glucose (Glu) inc-reased from 111 to 120 mg/dl, it was not sta-tistically significant (p>0,05). Serum total cho-lesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels increased significantly, p<0,001, p=0,005 and p=0,04 respectively. The-re was no significant changes in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (p>0,05). When hemato-logic parameters were eveluated, LHRH ago-nists significantly decreased hemoglobin levels, median decrease was about 1 gr/dl (p<0,001). There were no significant changes were found in other parameters.

Conclusions: Although in metastatic pros tate cancer LHRH agonists are used effectively, serious metabolic and hematologic adverse effects may be occured. So close follow-up of patients to adverse metabolic and hematologic effects should be considered and treatment strategy is modified.

Key Words: prostate cancer, andogen deprivation therapy, me-tabolic changes, hematologic changes


Purpose: In this study, we aimed to analyze metabolic and hematologic long term effects in prostate cancer patients receiving andogen dep-rivation therapy (ADT).

Material and Methods: In last 3 years 50 patients with metastatic prostate cancer treated with LHRH agonists in our department  were retrospectively evaluated. The median age was 74.8 years. Serum levels of glucose, total choles-terol, lipoproteins (LDL, HDL) and hemogram parameters, that measured at baseline and first, second and third years after treatment, were compared. The statistical analysis in this study was performed with SPSS for Windows Version 15.0 (Inc., Chicago, IL). p<0.05 was accepted as significant. 

Results: Even though Glucose (Glu) inc-reased from 111 to 120 mg/dl, it was not sta-tistically significant (p>0,05). Serum total cho-lesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels increased significantly, p<0,001, p=0,005 and p=0,04 respectively. The-re was no significant changes in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (p>0,05). When hemato-logic parameters were eveluated, LHRH ago-nists significantly decreased hemoglobin levels, median decrease was about 1 gr/dl (p<0,001). There were no significant changes were found in other parameters.

Conclusions: Although in metastatic pros tate cancer LHRH agonists are used effectively, serious metabolic and hematologic adverse effects may be occured. So close follow-up of patients to adverse metabolic and hematologic effects should be considered and treatment strategy is modified.

Key Words: prostate cancer, andogen deprivation therapy, me-tabolic changes, hematologic changes
