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Effectivenes of retrograd intrarenal surgery at stones of calix diverticulum

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (3): 26-28


Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the sa-tisfaction of the patients whom were implanted penil prosthesis for erectile dysfunction. 

Material and Methods: Male Sexual Health Questionnaire (MSHQ) were applied to pati-ents implanted penil prosthesis due to erectile dysfunction consisted of 6 questions with answers 1 to 5 (1 Extremely Unsatisfied, 5 ExtremelySatis-fied) between October 2006 and August 2012.

 Results: 22 of 33 patients were included in the study. Mean age was 55,6±10,9 (35-71) years. Mean MSHQ score was 23 (8-28). MSHQ questi-ons and answer samples are shown in table 1 and 2. Three and 4 patients answerded at least 1 qu-estion as, extremely unsatisfied and moderately unsatisfied respectively whereas 14 patients ans-wered at least 1 question as extremely satisfied. No surgery complication and treatment failure.

Conclusion: Although penil prosthesis sur-gery has successful results, all the patients do not feel the same satisfaction.

Key Words: Erectile dysfunction, penile prosthesis, sexual health.


Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the sa-tisfaction of the patients whom were implanted penil prosthesis for erectile dysfunction. 

Material and Methods: Male Sexual Health Questionnaire (MSHQ) were applied to pati-ents implanted penil prosthesis due to erectile dysfunction consisted of 6 questions with answers 1 to 5 (1 Extremely Unsatisfied, 5 ExtremelySatis-fied) between October 2006 and August 2012.

 Results: 22 of 33 patients were included in the study. Mean age was 55,6±10,9 (35-71) years. Mean MSHQ score was 23 (8-28). MSHQ questi-ons and answer samples are shown in table 1 and 2. Three and 4 patients answerded at least 1 qu-estion as, extremely unsatisfied and moderately unsatisfied respectively whereas 14 patients ans-wered at least 1 question as extremely satisfied. No surgery complication and treatment failure.

Conclusion: Although penil prosthesis sur-gery has successful results, all the patients do not feel the same satisfaction.

Key Words: Erectile dysfunction, penile prosthesis, sexual health.
