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Case Report

A rare case: Inguinoscrotal aggressive angiomyxoma

New J Urol. 2017; 12 (3): 69-71


Abstract We present the case of a 75-year-old man with the clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer. As a part of staging he under-went a bone scan (BS) for the investigation of bone metastasis. On the BS an increased focal area of radiopharmaceutic uptake was seen at the upper pole of the left kidney superposed with the rib. On abdominal CT scan per-formed after BS, there was a renal parenchy-mal calculus at the same location.

Keywords: Renal calculus, Scintigraphy


Abstract We present the case of a 75-year-old man with the clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer. As a part of staging he under-went a bone scan (BS) for the investigation of bone metastasis. On the BS an increased focal area of radiopharmaceutic uptake was seen at the upper pole of the left kidney superposed with the rib. On abdominal CT scan per-formed after BS, there was a renal parenchy-mal calculus at the same location.

Keywords: Renal calculus, Scintigraphy
