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Case Report

Testicular torsion and papaverın usage

Üroloji Kliniği, Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi,Ankara,Türkiye

New J Urol. 2014; 9 (1): 70-72


Testicular torsion remains a common sur-gical emergency of adolescent males presen-ting with sudden onset of intense scrotal pain. Prompt recognition of the condition and im-mediate surgical intervention is the only hope for testicular salvage.And several studies have tested several agents such as vasodilators and antioxidants to inhibit or temper testicular da-mage. Papaverin is the one of these agents.A twenty-seven old patient presented with the torsion of testis twelve hours after induced tor-sion.Exploration had been prompt and testis was detorsioned, but colour of testis was  not recover. After injection of papaverin the testis was gotten beter, so  orchiopexy was done.

Key Words: Testicular Torsion, Papaverin, Scrotal Pain


Testicular torsion remains a common sur-gical emergency of adolescent males presen-ting with sudden onset of intense scrotal pain. Prompt recognition of the condition and im-mediate surgical intervention is the only hope for testicular salvage.And several studies have tested several agents such as vasodilators and antioxidants to inhibit or temper testicular da-mage. Papaverin is the one of these agents.A twenty-seven old patient presented with the torsion of testis twelve hours after induced tor-sion.Exploration had been prompt and testis was detorsioned, but colour of testis was  not recover. After injection of papaverin the testis was gotten beter, so  orchiopexy was done.

Key Words: Testicular Torsion, Papaverin, Scrotal Pain
