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The effect of age and gender on survival in renal cell carcinoma

İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği

New J Urol. 2015; 10 (1): 06-11


Objective: To evaluate the effect of age and gender on survival in patients who underwent radical nephrectomy.

Materials and Methods: A hundred and seventy seven patients who underwent radical retrospectively because of renal carcinoma were eveluated retrosepectively between 1990 and 2012. Patients are divided into five groups (<49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, ≥80)  according to age and to evaluate the effect of age and gender on sur-vival

Results: Seventy three of all patients were fe-male (41,2%) and 104 patiens were male (58,8%).  Mean age of all patients was 69,11±12.42. Mean follow up time was 36,7±38.92 months. Medi-an survival was 29 ±28,65 months in patients whom ≤49 years, 46 ± 11,348  months in pati-ents whom ≤50-59 years, 48 ±8,11,  months in patients whom ≤ 60-69 years, 41±5,28 months in patients whom ≤70-79 years, 32±3,8  months in patients whom ≥80. There was no significant different among groups (p=0,684) (Figure 1). Median survival was 41±12,55  months in fe-male patients, 44±6,78  months in male patients (p=0.59)(Figure 2).

Five years median survival was 31.2 months in male patients and 29.3 months in female. Ac-cording to age groups, five years survival. Me-dian survival was 48 months in patients whom ≤49 years, 29.2 months in patients whom ≤50-59 years, 36.6 months in patients whom ≤ 60-69 ye-ars, 36.9 months in patients whom ≤70-79 years, 35.5 months in patients whom ≥80 years.

Conclusion: In our study, we observed that age and gender had no effect on survival. For this reason we think that radical nephrectomy opera-tion is also performed in elderly patients due to renal cell cancer

Key Words: Renal cell carsinoma, gender, age


Objective: To evaluate the effect of age and gender on survival in patients who underwent radical nephrectomy.

Materials and Methods: A hundred and seventy seven patients who underwent radical retrospectively because of renal carcinoma were eveluated retrosepectively between 1990 and 2012. Patients are divided into five groups (<49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, ≥80)  according to age and to evaluate the effect of age and gender on sur-vival

Results: Seventy three of all patients were fe-male (41,2%) and 104 patiens were male (58,8%).  Mean age of all patients was 69,11±12.42. Mean follow up time was 36,7±38.92 months. Medi-an survival was 29 ±28,65 months in patients whom ≤49 years, 46 ± 11,348  months in pati-ents whom ≤50-59 years, 48 ±8,11,  months in patients whom ≤ 60-69 years, 41±5,28 months in patients whom ≤70-79 years, 32±3,8  months in patients whom ≥80. There was no significant different among groups (p=0,684) (Figure 1). Median survival was 41±12,55  months in fe-male patients, 44±6,78  months in male patients (p=0.59)(Figure 2).

Five years median survival was 31.2 months in male patients and 29.3 months in female. Ac-cording to age groups, five years survival. Me-dian survival was 48 months in patients whom ≤49 years, 29.2 months in patients whom ≤50-59 years, 36.6 months in patients whom ≤ 60-69 ye-ars, 36.9 months in patients whom ≤70-79 years, 35.5 months in patients whom ≥80 years.

Conclusion: In our study, we observed that age and gender had no effect on survival. For this reason we think that radical nephrectomy opera-tion is also performed in elderly patients due to renal cell cancer

Key Words: Renal cell carsinoma, gender, age
