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  • The effect of an herbal agent “Tutukon®” on the spontaneous passage rates of ureteric stones

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The effect of an herbal agent “Tutukon®” on the spontaneous passage rates of ureteric stones

1 Medistate Kavacık Hospital, Department Of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey
2 Addenbrookes Hospital, Department Of Urology, Cambridge, England
3 Kafkas University, Medical School, Department Of Urology, Kars, Turkey
4 Health Sciences University, Lutfi Kirdar Hospital, Department Of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey
5 Biruni University, Medical School, Department Of Urology, Istanbul, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2023;18-2-1187893
New J Urol. 2023;18(2):108-114