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The validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Men (SSS-M)

1 İzmir Bakırçay University, Faculty of Health Siceence, Department of Women’s Health and Diseases Nursing, İzmir, Turkey
2 Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit İzmir, Turkey

DOI : 10.33719/yud.2023;18-2-1196628
New J Urol. 2023;18(2):145-155


Objective: This study was carried out to determine whether the Turkish version of the Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Men (SSS-M), a modified version of the Women Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS-W) developed by Meston and his friends is a valid and reliable tool or not.

Material and Methods: This is a methodological study and was conducted between March and July 2021. After the language translation and content validity studies of the 30-item of which Likert-type scale and five sub-dimensions a preliminary application was carried out on a group of 30 people. Data were obtained from 193 male individuals on an online platform after ethical approval. Whereas for the scope\content validity of the scale Content Validity was used, to test for validity Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed. To verify its dependableness, the Cronbach Alpha score and item-total correlation score were tested. The time invariance of the scale was evaluated with a test-retest.

Results: The scale and content validity was reviewed by eight experts. The construct validity of the scale was performed by using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Confirmatory factor loads were determined between  .55 and .87, and exploratory factor loads were determined between 0.34  and .83. The correlation coefficient between the score of each item and the scale score was determined as r=.35-.80 (p<.001). The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency and reliability coefficients were found as .95 in the total of the scale and were found as.82-.95 in its sub-dimensions. No significant difference was found in the test-retest reliability analysis (p>.05). The weighted kappa values of test-retest correlation values of the items were 0.79-0.90.

Conclusion: As a result of this study, it was determined that the Turkish version of the five-dimension “ SSS-M” is a valid and reliable four-dimensional instrument and can be used in research and clinic.

Keywords: Sexual satisfaction, men, validity, reliability


Objective: This study was carried out to determine whether the Turkish version of the Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Men (SSS-M), a modified version of the Women Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS-W) developed by Meston and his friends is a valid and reliable tool or not.

Material and Methods: This is a methodological study and was conducted between March and July 2021. After the language translation and content validity studies of the 30-item of which Likert-type scale and five sub-dimensions a preliminary application was carried out on a group of 30 people. Data were obtained from 193 male individuals on an online platform after ethical approval. Whereas for the scope\content validity of the scale Content Validity was used, to test for validity Confirmatory Factor Analysis was performed. To verify its dependableness, the Cronbach Alpha score and item-total correlation score were tested. The time invariance of the scale was evaluated with a test-retest.

Results: The scale and content validity was reviewed by eight experts. The construct validity of the scale was performed by using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Confirmatory factor loads were determined between  .55 and .87, and exploratory factor loads were determined between 0.34  and .83. The correlation coefficient between the score of each item and the scale score was determined as r=.35-.80 (p<.001). The Cronbach Alpha internal consistency and reliability coefficients were found as .95 in the total of the scale and were found as.82-.95 in its sub-dimensions. No significant difference was found in the test-retest reliability analysis (p>.05). The weighted kappa values of test-retest correlation values of the items were 0.79-0.90.

Conclusion: As a result of this study, it was determined that the Turkish version of the five-dimension “ SSS-M” is a valid and reliable four-dimensional instrument and can be used in research and clinic.

Keywords: Sexual satisfaction, men, validity, reliability


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